GORTON, MATTHEW and GREEN, ANNE M., 2022. Effect of clustering on primordial black hole microlensing constraints JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS.
TYLER, EMILY, M. GREEN, ANNE and P. GOODWIN, SIMON, 2022. Uncertainties in wide binary constraints on primordial black holes Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.. 524, 3052-3059
GREEN, ANNE M. and KAVANAGH, BRADLEY J., 2021. Primordial black holes as a dark matter candidate JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS. 48(4),
JAMES-TURNER, CHLOE, WEIL, DANTON P. B., GREEN, ANNE M. and COPELAND, EDMUND J., 2020. Constraints on the cosmic string loop collapse fraction from primordial black holes PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 101(12),
FINLAY NOBEL CHAMINGS, ANASTASIOS AVGOUSTIDIS, EDMUND J. COPELAND, ANNE M. GREEN and ALKISTIS POURTSIDOU, 2020. Understanding the suppression of structure formation from dark matter-dark energy coupling Phys. Rev. D. 101, 043531
FINLAY NOBLE CHAMINGS, ANASTASIOS AVGOUSTIDIS, EDMUND J. COPELAND, ANNE M. GREEN and BAOJIU LI, 2019. Early dark energy constraints on growing neutrino quintessence cosmologies Phys. Rev. D. 100, 043525 CIARAN A. J. O'HARE and ANNE M. GREEN, 2017. Axion astronomy with microwave cavity experiments Phys. Rev. D. 95, 063017 CIARAN A. J. O'HARE, BRADLEY J. KAVANAGH and ANNE M. GREEN, 2017. Time-integrated directional detection of dark matter Physical Review D. 96, 083011 F. MAYET, A. M. GREEN and + 14 ALPHABETICAL CO-AUTHORS, 2016. A review of the discovery reach of directional dark matter detection Physics Reports. 627, 1-49 ANNE M GREEN, 2016. Microlensing and dynamical constraints on primordial black hole dark matter with an extended mass function Physical Review D. 94, 063530
SOPHIE C. F. MORRIS and ANNE M. GREEN, 2015. Cosmic microwave background constraints on coupled dark matter Phys. Lett. B. 741, 51-54 CIARAN A. J. O'HARE, ANNE M. GREEN, JULIEN BILLARD, ENCETALI FIGUEROA-FELICIANO and LOUIS E. STRIGARI, 2015. Readout strategies for directional detection beyond the neutrino background Physical Review D. 92, 063518 ANNIKA H. G. PETER, VERA GLUSCEVIC, ANNE M. GREEN, BRADLEY J. KAVANAGH and SAMUEL K. LEE, 2014. WIMP physics with ensembles of direct detection experiments Physics of the Dark Universe. 45-74 CIARAN A. J. O'HARE and ANNE M. GREEN, 2014. Directional detection of dark matter streams Phys. Rev. D. 12, 123511 SOPHIE C. F. MORRIS, ANNE M. GREEN, ANTONIO PADILLA and EWAN R. M. TARRANT, 2013. Cosmological effects of coupled dark matter Phys. Rev. D. 88, 083522
HASSAN FIROUZJAHI, ANNE M. GREEN, KARIM A. MALIK and MOSLEM ZARE, 2013. Effect of curvaton decay on the primordial power spectrum Physical Review D. 87(10), 103502 TARRANT, E. R. M., VAN DE BRUCK, C, COPELAND, E. J. C. and GREEN, A. M., 2012. Coupled quintessence and the halo mass function Physical Review D. 85, 023503 ANNE M GREEN, 2012. Astrophysical uncertainties on direct detection experiments Modern Physics Letters A. 27(3), 1230004 CHRISTIAN T BYRNES, EDMUND J COPELAND and ANNE M GREEN, 2012. Primordial black holes as a tool for constraining non-Gaussianity Phys. Rev. D. 86(4), 043512 BRADLEY J. KAVANAGH and ANNE M GREEN, 2012. An improved determination of the WIMP mass from direct detection data Phys. Rev. D. 86, 065027
ANNE M GREEN and BEN MORGAN, 2012. Probing light WIMPs with directional detection experiments Physical Review D. 86, 083544 FANTIN, D. S. M., GREEN, A. M. and MERRIFIELD, M. R., 2011. Ultra-fine dark matter structure in the solar neighbourhood Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 418, 2648-2655 GREEN, A. M., 2011. Dark matter: star sign Nature Physics. 7, 926-927
JOSAN, A. S. and GREEN, A. M., 2010. Constraints from primordial black hole formation at the end of inflation Physics Review D. 82, 047303
CERDENO, D. AND GREEN, A. M., 2010. Direct detection of WIMPs. In: BERTONE, G., ed., Particle Dark Matter Cambridge University Press. 347-369
GREEN, A.M., 2010. Dependence of direct detection signals on the WIMP velocity distribution Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2010(10), 034 JOSAN, A.S. and GREEN, A.M., 2010. Gamma rays from ultracompact minihalos: Potential constraints on the primordial curvature perturbation (5 pages) PHYSICAL REVIEW -SERIES D- PARTICLES FIELDS GRAVITATION AND COSMOLOGY. VOL 82(NUMB 8), 083527
GREEN, A.M. and MORGAN, B., 2010. Median recoil direction as a WIMP directional detection signal Physical Review D. 81(6), 061301 JOSAN, A.S., GREEN, A.M. and MALIK, K.A., 2009. Generalized constraints on the curvature perturbation from primordial black holes Physical Review D. 79(10), 103520 GREEN, A.M. and MORGAN, B., 2008. Consequences of statistical sense determination for WIMP directional detection (4 pages) PHYSICAL REVIEW -SERIES D-. VOL 77(NUMB 2), 027303-027500
FANTIN, D. S., MERRIFIELD, M. R. and GREEN, A. M., 2008. Modelling ultrafine structure in dark matter haloes. VOL 390(NUMBER 3), 1055-1060
GREEN, A. M. and GOODWIN, S. P., 2007. On mini-halo encounters with stars: MONTHLY NOTICES- ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. VOL 375(NUMBER 3), 1111-1120 GREEN, A. M. and MORGAN, B., 2007. Optimizing WIMP directional detectors ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS. VOL 27(NUMBER 2-3), 142-149 ZABALLA, I., GREEN, A. M., MALIK, K. A. and SASAKI, M., 2007. Constraints on the curvature perturbation from primordial black holes Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 03, 10
GREEN, A. M., 2007. Determining the WIMP mas using direct detection experiments Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 08, 022
BRAX, P., VAN DE BRUCK, C., DAVIS, A. C. and GREEN, A. M., 2006. Small scale structure formation in chameleon cosmology Physics Letters B. VOL 633(NUMBER 4-5), 441-446 MORGAN, B., GREEN, A.M. and SPOONER, N.J.C., 2005. Directional statistics for realistic weakly interacting massive particle direct detection experiments Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. 71(10), 103507 GREEN, A.M., HOFMANN, S. and SCHWARZ, D.J., 2005. The first WIMPy halos Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 8(3), 1-31 GREEN,A.M., LIDDLE,A.R., MALIK,K.A. and SASAKI,M., 2004. New calculation of the mass fraction of primordial black holes Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. 70(4), Article No 041502 (5 pages) GREEN, A. M., HOFMANN, S. and SCHWARZ, D. J., 2004. The power spectrum of SUSY-CDM on subgalactic scales Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. VOL 353(NUMBER 3), L23-L27 GREEN, A. M. and MAZUMDAR, A., 2002. Dynamics of a large extra dimension inspired hybrid inflation model Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 65(PART 10), 105022 GREEN, A. M., 2002. Effect of halo modeling on weakly interacting massive particle exclusion limits Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 66(PART 8), 083003 GREEN, A. M. and JEDAMZIK, K., 2002. Are there MACHOs in the Milky Way halo? Astronomy and Astrophysics. VOL 395(PART 1), 31-36 GREEN, A. M., 2002. Calculating exclusion limits for weakly interacting massive particle direct detection experiments without background subtraction Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 65(PART 2), 023520
GREEN, A. M., 2002. Viability of primordial black holes as short period gamma-ray bursts Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 65(PART 2), 027301
GREEN, A.M. and MALIK, K.A., 2001. Primordial black hole production due to preheating Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. 64(2), 021301 GREEN, A. M., 2001. Weakly interacting massive particle annual modulation signal and nonstandard halo models (6 pages) Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 63(PART 4), 043005 GREEN, A. M., 2001. Potential weakly interacting massive particle signature for the caustic ring halo model (5 pages) Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 63(PART 10), 103003 GREEN, A. M. and LIDSEY, J. E., 2000. Generalized compactification and assisted dynamics of multi-scalar-field cosmologies (4 pages) Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 61(PART 6), 067301-067500 GREEN, A. M., 2000. PROBING THE MASS FUNCTION OF HALO DARK MATTER VIA MICROLENSING Astrophysical Journal. VOL 537(NUMB 2), 708-719 GREEN, A. M. and LIDDLE, A. R., 1999. Critical collapse and the primordial black hole initial mass function Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 60(NUMBER 6), 063509 GREEN, A. M., 1999. Supersymmetry and primordial black hole abundance constraints Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 60(NUMBER 6), 063516 GREEN, A. M., LIDDLE, A. R. and RIOTTO, A., 1997. Primordial black hole constraints in cosmologies with early matter domination Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 56(NUMBER 12), 7559-7565 GREEN, A. M. and LIDDLE, A. R., 1997. Constraints on the density perturbation spectrum from primordial black holes Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 56(NUMBER 10), 6166-6174 GREEN, A. M. and LIDDLE, A. R., 1996. Conditions for successful extended inflation Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. VOL 54(NUMBER 4), 2557-2563 GREEN, A. M and LIDDLE, A. R., 1996. Open inflationary universes in the induced gravity theory Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation & Cosmology. 609-615
MORGAN, BEN and GREEN, ANNE M., Probing light WIMPs with directional detection experiments PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 86(8),