School of Physics & Astronomy

Image of James Bolton

James Bolton

Professor of Astrophysics, Faculty of Science



Ph.D., Astrophysics, University of Cambridge, 2007

MPhys, Astrophysics, University of Edinburgh, 2003

Teaching Summary

I am module convenor for Atmospheric and Planetary Physics (PHYS4004)

I am a member of the teaching team for Scientific Computing (PHYS4007)

Research Summary

Reionisation, the first galaxies and the origin and evolution of the ultra-violet background.

The Lyman-alpha forest as a probe of cosmology and large scale structure.

Quasar absorption lines and the physics of the intergalactic medium.

Numerical simulations of the cosmic web and cosmological radiative transfer.

School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

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