Sustainability and Intergenerational Justice in the Face of Climate Change

A48, A48 Clive Grainger
Wednesday 13th June 2018 (17:00-19:00)
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As part of the ESRC seminar series' Climate Ethics and Climate Economics, Clark Wolf (Iowa State University) will present a public lecture on Wednesday 13 June. Clark is Director of Bioethics and Professor of Philosophy at Iowa State University.

Sustainability and Intergenerational Justice in the face of Climate Change

The changing global climate presents us with unprecedented problems of policy development and policy choice: how can we weigh present costs against benefits that may not accrue for generations to come?  This presentation will address fundamental questions of value that are at stake as we endeavor to create sustainable institutions, and to ensure that the interests of people from different generations of humankind are fairly represented in our decisions.

The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception.

School of Politics and International Relations

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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