School of Politics and International Relations

Young People and Politics Conference at The University of Nottingham

Wednesday 21 June 2017

We invite you to join us for a one-day conference aimed at Year 12 AS-Level students on the theme of 'Young People and Politics'.  

Hosted by The University of Nottingham's School of Politics and International Relations, we are putting on a day of events, including guest speakers and debates, as well as break-out sessions where students can explore topics in more detail.  Lunch will be provided.

The Conference is aimed at students who are considering studying Politics at university.  Academic members of staff will be on hand all day to discuss university application options with students.

This Conference, targeting all of the University's partner Widening Participation schools in the region, has several aims:

  • To foster an interest in politics and the political process amongst young people
  • Encourage them to identify political issues that directly affect the lives of young people
  • Increase their awareness of the political system in the UK and the role that young people can play in it
  • Spark an interest in the study of Politics at university, especially at Nottingham

The Conference will be broken down into two sessions each side of lunch, each focussing on a core political issue or debate directly affecting the lives of young people in the UK.  Each session will involve a talk from a political practitioner, followed by a Q&A session, and then an interactive break-out session in which they will be asked to discuss the issue in small groups under the supervision of a staff member and/or a graduate teaching assistant.

The two (provisional) topics for discussion are:

  • What is it like to run for Parliament?
  • How will young people be affected by Brexit?

Up to 200 places are available for students and accompanying teachers/career advisors.

To book places, please contact the Conference organiser, Dr Andrew Mumford:

Registration deadline: Friday 9 June 2017

Posted on Wednesday 29th March 2017

School of Politics and International Relations

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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