School of Politics and International Relations

Call for Participants (Researchers and Survivors) – Scholarship with Survivors Workshop

The Antislavery Early Research Association is hosting a workshop on Saturday 20 October 2018, in which both early career researchers on and survivors of slavery are invited to join in a day of conversation, to help open discussions between the two in order to create more inclusive research in the future.

Throughout the day, we will get to know one another informally; conduct a panel session where survivors speak on how they would like to see research on slavery conducted and progressing in the future followed by a Q&A session; and have a number of smaller discussion groups where survivors and researchers can exchange ideas and discuss how they can work together in this field.

For more information, please click on the below to view the PDF files, which you can download or print for information. Details on how to participate depending on whether you are a survivor or a researcher can be found within.

Posted on Thursday 23rd August 2018

School of Politics and International Relations

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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