School of Politics and International Relations

Dr Tyler Kustra's Latest Commentary on Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Economic sanctions expert Dr Tyler Kustra has appeared in several media pieces recently, providing commentary on the continuing Russia-Ukraine conflict. 

As the G7 leaders met for a summit in the Bavarian Alps on 27 June, Tyler published a guest blog piece for the University of Nottingham on the proposals to curb Russia oil profits and how they might work in practice. He has also contributed to the Washington Post article 'As prices rise, Europeans divided over how Ukraine war should end', commenting on how governments across Europe are "walking a fine line".

You can listen to Dr Kustra on a recent episode of BBC Newshour discussing sanctions and whether Russia has defaulted on its overseas debt. Tyler features from 49:13.

If you want to find out more about Dr Tyler Kustra and his areas of research, you can find him listed in the University of Nottingham's Media Expertise Guide.

Posted on Thursday 30th June 2022

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