XU, RUIKE and REES, WYN, 2022. America and the special relationship: the impact of the Trump administration on relations with the UK BRITISH POLITICS. 17(1), 62-80
AZRIEL BERMANT and WYN REES, 2022. We need to talk about nuclear weapons again Foreign Policy. PETER MAGILL and WYN REES, 2022. UK Defence Policy After Ukraine: Revisiting the Integrated Review’ Survival: Global Politics and Strategy. 64(3), 6
REES, W., 2017. America, Brexit and the security of Europe British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 19(3), 558-572 REES, W, ed., 2016. The Evolution of Military Power in the West and Asia: Security Policy in the Cold War Era First. Routledge.
WYN REES, 2014. Counter-terrorism. In: Handbook of Governance and Security Edward Elgar. 452-469
WYN REES, 2014. Obstacles to Transatlantic Security Cooperation in the 'War on Terror'. In: ELAINE FAHEY and DEIDRE CURTIN, eds., A Transatlantic Community of Law: Legal Perspectives on the Relationship between the EU and US Legal Orders Cambridge University Press. 246-255
2014. The British Military and the 'Special Relationship' Air Power Review. 17(3), 5
JAVIER ARGOMANIZ and WYN REES, 2013. The EU and counter-terrorism. In: SVEN BISCOP, ed., The Routledge Handbook of European Security Routledge. 225-235
AYHAN BAKAR, 2013. European Union Accession, Turkey and Organized Crime European Foreign Affairs Review. 18(2), 181-198
MARSH, S. and REES, W., 2012. The European Union in the security of Europe: from Cold War to terror war Routledge.
REES, G.W., 2011. The US-EU security relationship: the tensions between a European and a global agenda Palgrave Macmillan.
REES, W., 2011. Britain and the Wider World Defense Analysis. 27(1), 31-41
WYN REES, 2011. EU-US Cooperation on Counter-terrorism and the Internationalisation of Law Enforcement. In: The External Dimension of the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice PIE Peter Lang. 389-408
WYN REES, 2010. A Strategic Defence Review: Lessons from the Past The Political Quarterly. 81(3), 424-428
REES, W., 2009. Securing the homelands: transatlantic co-operation after Bush British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 11(1), 108-121 REES, W, 2009. US-European Union Homeland Security Cooperation. In: EDNER, F. and SENN, M., eds., Europe and Transnational Terrorism: Assessing Threats and Countermeasures Nomos. 129-144
REES, W, 2009. Inside Out: The External Face of EU Internal Security Policy. In: JONES,S. and GENUGTEN, S. VAN,, eds., The Future of European Foreign policy Routledge. 94-108
REES, W and SMITH, M., eds., 2008. International Relations of the European Union Sage.
REES, W., 2008. Inside out: the external face of EU internal security policy Journal of European Integration. 30(1), 97-111 REES, W, BLEWETT, T and HYDE-PRICE, A., eds., 2008. British Foreign Policy and the Anglican Church: Christian Engagement with the Contemporary World Ashgate.
REES, W and ALDRICH, R., 2007. European and US Approaches to Counterterrorism. In: TIERSKY, R. and JONES, E., eds., Europe Today: A Twenty-First Century Introduction 3rd ed. Rowman & Littlefield. 437-464
REES, W., 2007. European and Asian responses to the US-led 'war on terror' CAMBRIDGE REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. VOL 20(NUMB 2), 215-231 REES, G.W., 2006. Transatlantic counter-terrorism cooperation: the new imperative Abingdon: Routledge.
REES, W., 2006. International Cooperation in Counter-terrorism. In: MAHNCKE, D: MONAR, J., ed., International Terrorism: A European Response to a Global Threat? Peter Lang. (In Press.)
REES, G.W., 2005. 'The External Face of Internal Security'. In: International Relations and the European Union 1st. 1. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 205-224
MAHNCKE, D., REES, G.W. and THOMPSON, W., 2004. Redefining transatlantic security relations: the challenge of change Manchester: Manchester University Press.
REES, G.W., 2004. More Heat than Light: US Reactions to ESDP 2(2),
MITSILEGAS, V., MONAR, J. and REES, G.W., 2003. The European Union and internal security: guardian of the people? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
REES, W., 2003. Transatlantic Relations and the War on Terror Journal of Transatlantic Studies. VOL 1(NUMB 1), 76-90
REES, G.W., 2003. Justice and Internal Security. In: Europe, America, Bush: Transatlantic Relations in the Twenty First Century Routledge, London and New York. 47-58
REES, G.W., 2003. Transnational organized crime, security and the European Union. In: Organized Crime and the Challenge to Democracy Routledge, London and New York. 112-126
REES, G.W., 2002. Fighting Organised Crime: The European Union and internal security. In: Crime and Insecurity: The Governance of Safety in Europe 77-101
REES, G.W., 2001. The WEU: Eliminating the Middleman. In: Uncertain Europe: Building a New European Security order? Routledge, London and New York.
REES, G.W., 2001. Britain and Defence 1945-2000: A Policy Re-evaluation M.E. Sharpe Inc., Armonk, USA.
REES, G.W., 2000. Force for Europe 56(6),
REES, G.W., 2000. Reforming the European Union: From Maastricht to Amsterdam Longman.
REES, G.W., 1999. The Enlargement of Europe Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
REES, G. W., 1999. British Strategic Thinking and Europe, 1964-1970 JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION HISTORY. VOL 5(NUMBER 1), 57-72
REES, G.W., 1998. The Western European Union at the Crossroads: Between Atlantic Solidarity and European Integration W.B. Saunders, London and Philadelphia.
REES, G.W., 1998. US-European Security Relations: Surfing or Sinking?. In: The New Trans-Atlantic Agenda and the Future of EU-US Relations
REES, G.W., 1998. Rethinking Security in Post-Cold War Europe Longman Group Ltd, Harlow, Essex, UK.
WYN REES, G., 1998. Setting the Parameters for European Defence: The UK and the Weu STUDIA DIPLOMATICA. VOL 51(NUMBER 1/2), 61-70
REES, G. W., 1996. Britain and the Western European Union EUROPEAN SECURITY -ILFORD-. VOL 5(NUMBER 4), 529-542
WYN REES, G., 1996. Constructing a European Defence Identity: The Perspectives of Britain, France and Germany European Foreign Affairs Review. VOL 1(NUMBER 2), 231-246
REES, G.W., 1996. Dissenting Promoters of a European Defence Identity 2,
REES, G.W., 1996. Anglo-American Approaches to Alliance Security, 1955-60 MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London.
REES, G. W., 1996. The Netherlands: Reorientating its Defence Priorities CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY. VOL 17(NUMBER 1), 174-176
REES, G.W., 1995. Transforming the East-West Relationship. In: An American Quarter Century: US Politics from Vietnam to Clinton
REES, G.W., 1994. Britian and Post-Cold War Arms Transfers 15(1), 109-127
REES, G.W., ed., 1993. International Politics in Europe: The New Agenda Routledge, London and New York.
REES, G.W., 1991. The Anglo-American Security Relationship. In: British Security Policy HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, London, UK.
REES, G.W., 1991. Britain and NATO. In: British Defence Policy
REES, G.W., 1990. Britain and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. In: UK Arms Control in the 1990s Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK.
REES, G.W., 1989. Brothers in Arms: Anglo-American Defence Cooperation in 1957. In: Postwar Britain: Themes and Perspectives Pinter Publishers Ltd, London.