Public Procurement Research Group

The European Commission has highlighted the PPRG's contribution to procurement "best practice" as part of the Commission's new initiative on professionalization of public procurement in the EU


We are very proud that European Commission's new initiative on Professionalisation of Public Procurement has singled out our work at the University of Nottingham as a case study of "best practice": our postgraduate programme on Public Procurement Law and Policy and our Public Procurement Research Group are both highlighted to demonstrate the contribution of academia to good procurement at a practical level.

The Commission refers to our activities to show how in-depth academic programmes can contribute to a "consistent, professional approach to procurement" and can act as knowledge-multipliers, including by bringing together different types of professionals (policy-makers, lawyers, procurement practitioners etc). View more on the Commission's Professionalization initiative in general (and for the University of Nottingham case study specifically see p.42 of the European Commission Staff Working document referred to there).

Posted on Monday 23rd October 2017

Public Procurement Research Group

School of Law
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5700