Public Procurement Research Group

Ashraf-Ul-Bari Nobel of the PPRG awarded a Vice Chancellor's Medal for his contribution to the University community

Ashraf-Ul-Bari Nobel

The Public Procurement Research Group (PPRG) is delighted to announce that Ashraf-Ul-Bari Nobel has been awarded a 2019 Vice Chancellor’s Medal, and offers its warm congratulations on this outstanding achievement.

The award was made for Nobel’s exceptional contribution to both the Law School and the wider University community during both his LLM and PhD years.

Among other things, he represents PhD students on the Law School’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, is a Peer Mentor and was formerly the LLM Course Representative, receiving a Gold Certificate from the Student Union for this. He also received the Pro Bono Achievement Award for contributions to the Pro Bono Society and was a volunteer judge for the Mooting Society.

In the wider community, as President of the Bengali Society 2017-18 he helped students from Bangladesh and India to settle in, improved inclusiveness for West Bengal students and organised social events and shows to promote Bengali culture, receiving the Student Experience Award from the Union for his work with the Society.

Nobel is currently a PhD candidate in the PPRG, who was awarded a three year scholarship from the School to undertake a critical analysis of the system of supplier remedies in public procurement in Bangladesh against the standards of international models. He will be well known to many of our Executive programme students for his assistance with the administration of the intensive teaching sessions and he also led the student team assisting at the Global Revolution IX conference in June 2019. He has also worked as a research assistant in the PPRG, including on the Group’s recent innovative project in procurement for international sporting events in collaboration with the OECD.

Posted on Thursday 3rd October 2019

Public Procurement Research Group

School of Law
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5700