Public Procurement Research Group

Call for Papers

We are pleased to invite submissions from anyone wishing to present papers. Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words by 30 January 2022 to Full papers would be required by 30 April 2022.

For further information for potential speakers see

Key conference themes are the following, but we also welcome submissions on other areas:

International, including the work of OECD, UNCITRAL, WTO and Multilateral Development Banks

  • The World Bank’s Global Procurement Partnership for Sustainable Development
  • Open data, data visualisation and OCDS implementation
  • GPA at 40/25 (including expansion of coverage and participants: Latin America and Asia)
  • Bid protest systems
  • Emergency procurement 
  • Market stimulus and market failures in public procurement
  • Sustainable procurement 

Procurement in practice

  • Procurement in the EU Recovery strategy 
  • Procurement and Artificial intelligence 
  • Gender procurement: neutrality, promotion and protection
  • Contract management and EU contract law
  • Auditing and procurement
  • Procurement and infrastructure


  • UK procurement Law following Green Paper (we hope)
  • Social Value and procurement for outcomes
  • Single Sourcing (UK, EU and International perspectives)

We envisage a small number of papers to be presented online via a hybrid panel session. Please indicate in your abstract if you are unable to attend the conference in person and if you would like to join the hybrid session. In this case, however, please note there will be very limited space available and the selection of papers will be highly competitive.

Visit the conference website to find out about previous conferences, and register your interest to receive email updates.

We look forward to seeing you again in person in 2022!

Posted on Wednesday 17th November 2021

Public Procurement Research Group

School of Law
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5700