Public Procurement Research Group

The WTO Regime on Government Procurement: Challenge and Reform

SueNewWTOBookEdited by Sue Arrowsmith and Robert D Anderson
World Trade Organization, 2011

Originally an important but relatively obscure plurilateral instrument, the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) is now becoming a pillar of the WTO system as a result of important developments since the Uruguay Round.

This collection examines the issues and challenges that this raises for the GPA, as well as future prospects for addressing government procurement at a multilateral level. Coverage includes issues relating to pending accessions to the GPA, particularly those of developing countries with a large state sector such as China; the revised (provisionally agreed) GPA text of 2006, including provisions on electronic procurement and Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries; and procurement provisions in regional trade agreements and their significance for the multilateral system.

Attention is also given to emerging issues, especially those concerning environmental, social and SME policy; competition law; and the implications of the recent economic crisis.

  • Includes detailed analysis of, and commentary on, the key changes incorporated in the provisionally agreed revised GPA text
  • Integrates the latest academic thinking with practical insights and challenges as they are perceived 'on the ground'
  • Provides readers with new insights and practical suggestions relating to the integration of formerly state-directed economies into the world trading system
  • Covers not only current negotiating issues and challenges but also the next generation of issues in this area, including issues concerning environmental and social policy

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Public Procurement Research Group

School of Law
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5700