SIEW KEI KHO, BRYAN QI ZHENG LEONG, DAVID R. T. KEEBLE, HOO KEAT WONG and ALEJANDRO J. ESTUDILLO, 2023. A new Asian version of the CFMT: The Cambridge Face Memory Test – Chinese Malaysian (CFMT-MY) Behavior Research Methods. SHUMETHA K. SIDHU, HARRIET A. ALLEN and DAVID R. T. KEEBLE, 2023. Eye movements are made to the centre of gravity of texture-defined targets Vision Research. WONG, H.K., ESTUDILLO, A.J., STEPHEN, I.D. and KEEBLE, D.R.T., 2021. The other-race effect and holistic processing across racial groups Scientific reports. 11(1), 8507 HOO KEAT WONG and IAN D. STEPHEN, 2020. The Own-Race Bias for Face Recognition in a Multiracial Society Frontiers in Psychology. 11, 208 UMAR TOSEEB, DAVID R T KEEBLE and ELEANOR J BRYANT, 2012. The Significance of Hair for Face Recognition. Plos One. SJ HARRISON and DAVID R T KEEBLE, 2008. Within-texture Collinearity Improves Human Texture Segmentation Vision Research. 48(19), 1955–1964 WHITAKER, D., MCGRAW, P. V., KEEBLE, D. R. and SKILLEN, J., 2004. Pulling the other one: 1st- and 2nd-order visual information interact to determine perceived location Vision Research. VOL 44(NUMBER 3), 279-286 DAVID R T KEEBLE and ROBERT F HESS, 2001. Effect of orientation on alignment performance – reply to Popple & Levi Vision Research. 42, 1435-6
DAVID R T KEEBLE, 2001. Micropattern orientation and spatial localization Vision Research. 41, 3719-33
FRED KINGDOM and DAVID R T KEEBLE, 2000. Luminance spatial frequency differences facilitate the segmentation of superimposed textures Vision Research. 40(9), 1077-88
RITA DEMANINS, ROBERT F HESS, CHRISTYN B WILLIAMS and DAVID R T KEEBLE, 1999. The Orientation Discrimination Deficit in Strabismic Amblyopia Depends Upon Stimulus Bandwidth Vision Research. 39(24), 4018-31
DAVID R T KEEBLE and ROBERT F HESS, 1999. Discriminating local continuity in curved figures Vision Research. 39(19), 3287-99
FRED AA KINGDOM and DAVID R T KEEBLE, 1999. Mechanisms of scale invariance in texture perception Vision Research. 39(8), 1477-1489
DAVID R T KEEBLE and ROBERT F HESS, 1998. Orientation masks 3-Gabor alignment performance Vision Research. 38(6), 727-840
DAVID R T KEEBLE, FRED AA KINGDOM and MICHAEL J MORGAN, 1997. The orientational resolution of human texture perception Vision Research. 37, 2993-2007
DAVID R T KEEBLE and KEN E BANYARD, 1997. Momentum space: effects of correlation in the doubly excited state of 2p2 3P He-like ions Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 20, 13-32
FRED AA KINGDOM and DAVID R T KEEBLE, 1996. A linear systems approach to the detection of both abrupt and smooth spatial variations in orientation-defined textures Vision Research. 36, 409-420
DAVID R T KEEBLE, BERNARD MOULDEN and FRED AA KINGDOM, 1995. The perceived orientation of aliased lines Vision Research. 35, 2759-2766
DAVID R T KEEBLE, FRED AA KINGDOM, BERNARD MOULDEN and MICHAEL J MORGAN, 1995. Detection of orientationally multimodal textures Vision Research. 35, 1991-2005
FRED AA KINGDOM, DAVID R T KEEBLE and BERNARD MOULDEN, 1995. Sensitivity to orientation modulation in micropattern-based textures Vision Research. 35, 79-91
KEN E BANYARD and DAVID R T KEEBLE, 1995. Components of electron correlation within a CI description of He(2p2 3P)-like ions Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 28, 4215-4231
KEN E BANYARD and DAVID R T KEEBLE, 1994. Natural expansions of CI wavefunctions and analysis of Coulomb correlations for He(2p2 3P)-like ions Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 27, 5453-5466
DAVID R T KEEBLE, KEN E BANYARD and GORDON W F DRAKE, 1993. Angular and radial correlation in doubly-excited systems when 1≤Z≤4: the 2p2 3P state Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 26, 2811-2825
KEN E BANYARD, DAVID R T KEEBLE and GORDON W F DRAKE, 1992. The doubly-excited state 2p2 3P for 1≤Z≤4: Coulomb holes derived from explicitly correlated wavefunctions, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 25, 3405-3418