A |
Alfred, Lim | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Allen, Harriet | 0115 84 67929 | Professor of Lifespan Psychology | |
Amos, Emily | 0115 84 66966 | Operations Manager | |
Antonopoulos, Theo | n/a | Administrator | |
Askey, Charlotte | n/a | PhD Student | |
B |
Ba, Yalige | n/a | | |
Badcock, David | n/a | Honorary Professor | |
Bailey, Kate | 0115 95 15352 | Assistant Professor | |
Bali, Persefoni | n/a | PhD Student | |
Barnard, Megan | 0115 823 2448 | Assistant Professor | |
Bast, Tobias | 0115 84 67438 | Associate Professor | |
Bauer, Markus | 0115 84 67921 | Assistant Professor | |
Baxendale, Bryn | n/a | Honorary Professor | |
Bellato, Alessio | n/a | Honorary Assistant Professor | |
Berridge, Alex | n/a | Senior Administrator | |
Birtwistle (Annac), Efsun | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Blackie, Laura | 0115 95 15307 | Associate Professor | |
Bonardi, Charlotte | 0115 84 67927 | Associate Professor | |
Brown, Beverley | n/a | 1 + 3 ESRC PhD student | |
BR, Sahithya | n/a | Assistant Professor, Disability Liaison Officer, Chair of Extenuating Circumstances Committee. | |
Bridge, Tom | n/a | Research Administrator | |
Broadbent, Hannah | n/a | ESRC 1+3 PhD Student | |
Burdett, Emily | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
C |
Calladine, Marie | 0115 74 86970 | School Operations Administrator | |
Cassaday, Helen | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience | |
Cassanello, Carlos | n/a | Research Fellow | |
Cassidy, Sarah | n/a | Associate Professor | |
Chapman, Peter | 0115 95 15562 | Associate Professor | |
Chau Delgado, Juan M. | n/a | PhD Student | |
Chawla, Prerita | n/a | PhD Student | |
Chen, Polly | +6(03) 8924 8238 | Assistant Professor, Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, Internship Coordinator | |
Chong, Shue Ling | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Chung, Chasity | n/a | PhD Student | |
Chung, Kai Li | n/a | Associate Professor | |
Clarke, David | n/a | Emeritus Professor of Psychology | |
Cohen, Leonardo | 0115 95 15283 | Assistant Professor | |
Coles, Alexander | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Cragg, Lucy | 0115 84 67926 | Professor | |
Crowe, Emily | n/a | School Research Fellow | |
D |
Danielmeier, Claudia | 0115 84 66360 | Associate Professor | |
Dawes, Christopher | n/a | | |
De Vries, Marieke | n/a | Honorary Assistant Professor | |
Dean Marshall, Nikki | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Derecki, Raphael | n/a | | |
Derrfuss, Jan | 0115 84 67920 | Assistant Professor | |
Desai, Roshan | n/a | Research Assistant | |
Dinnick, Iwan | n/a | Research Fellow | |
Doherty, Alice | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Driver, Kat | n/a | Postgraduate Student | |
Dunkley, Benjamin | n/a | Associate Professor | |
Durbin, Nick | 0115 84 67242 | DAEP Programme Director | |
Dyke, Katherine | 01159 515309 | Assistant Professor | |
E |
Einav, Shiri | 0115 84 67433 | Assistant Professor | |
Elson, Ryan | n/a | Research Associate/Fellow | |
Engel, Stephen | n/a | Honorary Professor | |
F |
Farr, Isabel | n/a | | |
Faulkner, Ellie | 0115 74 87463 | Senior Administrator | |
Ferguson, Eamonn | 0115 95 15327 | Professor of Health Psychology | |
Filik, Ruth | 0115 95 15402 | Associate Professor | |
Forder, Kate | n/a | | |
Fox, Gemma | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Francis, Yvonne | n/a | | |
French, Blandine | n/a | PI on an ESRC new investigator grant | |
Fuller, Sammie | n/a | PhD Student | |
G |
Georgeson, Mark | n/a | Honorary Professor | |
Gialopsou, Kat | n/a | Research Fellow | |
Gibson, Claire | n/a | Professor of Psychology | |
Godwin, Sarah | n/a | | |
Grasmeder Allen, Rachel | n/a | BBSRC DTP PhD student | |
H |
Haselgrove, Mark | 0115 84 67353 | Professor of Experimental Psychology | |
Haynes, Katherine | n/a | Learning Technology Officer | |
Heyes, Cecilia | n/a | Honorary Professor | |
Holden, Luke | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Houlgreave, Mairi | n/a | Research Fellow | |
Hounslow, Russell | n/a | DAEP Academic and Professional Tutor | |
Howley, Elliot | n/a | | |
HU, Dan | n/a | PhD Student | |
Humphries, Mark | n/a | Chair in Computational Neuroscience | |
Huntington, Bethany | n/a | | |
Hussain Ismail, Ahamed Miflah | +6 (03) 8924 8786 | Assistant Professor | |
Huxley, Rowan | n/a | | |
I |
Ison, Matias | 0115 95 15277 | Associate Professor | |
J |
Jackson, Stephen | 0115 84 66020 | Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience | |
Jain, Aditi | n/a | | |
James, Richard | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Janssen, Steve MJ | +6 (03) 8725 3607 | Professor of Psychology, Head of School | |
Jewell, Olivia | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Jiang, Chengjie | n/a | PhD Student | |
Jiang, Jiamu | n/a | PhD student | |
Johnston, Alan | 0115 95 15284 | Professor of Psychology | |
Jolley, Daniel | n/a | Assistant Professor in Social Psychology | |
Joshi, Shalmali | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Jung, Jeyoung | 01158467241 | Assistant Professor | |
Juty, Jacob | n/a | PhD Student | |
K |
Kalisz, Karolina | n/a | | |
Karmaker, Chhanda | n/a | PhD in Psychology | |
Keeble, David | n/a | Honorary Associate Professor | |
Keetley, Ruth | 0115 84 68577 | The Doctorate in Applied Educational Psychology | |
Khoo, Josh | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Korek, Kinga | n/a | PhD Student | |
Kumar, Bhadra Santhi | n/a | Research Fellow | |
L |
Lagator, Sandra | n/a | Research Associate | |
Lawlor, Stella | n/a | Academic and Professional Tutor | |
Lee, Eun Hee | +60 3 8725 3617 | Assistant Professor | |
Lee, Soon Tat | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Leonard, Alexander | n/a | Research Administrator | |
Leong, Christine | +6 (03) 8725 3609 | Assistant Professor, Director of Teaching and Learning | |
Levi, Dennis | n/a | Honorary Professor | |
Lewandowski, Felix | n/a | PhD Student | |
Lewis, Victoria | 07967108441 | Associate tutor | |
Lindberg, Stef | 0155 9515604 | Technical Specialist | |
Liscoe, Amy | 07506171967 | PhD student | |
Lolansen, Cecilie | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Lyon, Kieran | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
M |
Madan, Christopher | 0115 95 15365 | Assistant Professor | |
Maggi, Silvia | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Makri, Angie | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Marsh, Lauren | 0115 846 6538 | Assistant Professor | |
McDonald, Stephanie | 0115 84 67455 | Associate Professor | |
McGraw, Paul | 0115 95 15295 | Professor of Visual Neuroscience | |
Mennie, Neil | +6 (03) 8924 8723 | Assistant Professor | |
Miller, Andy | n/a | Honorary Professor | |
Mills, Richard | n/a | Research Associate | |
Moorhouse, Kerry | 0115 95 15303 | Research Manager | |
Morley, Eden | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Myers, Nicholas | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
N |
Naudusevics, Leanne | n/a | | |
Nicol, Katie | n/a | Senior Administrator - Here For You Guides Support | |
Nielsen, Emma | n/a | Research Fellow | |
Nishida, Shin'ya | n/a | Honorary Professor | |
O |
Ogunbode, Charles | 01157486691 | Assistant Professor in Applied Psychology | |
O'Hagan, Niall | n/a | Research Assistant | |
O'Shea, Brian | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
P |
Pal, Muskaan | n/a | Research Assistant | |
Parkin, Lee | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Peirce, Jon | n/a | Professor | |
Perea Pérez, Francisca | n/a | Research Associate | |
Pervez, Aneeza | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Price, Jess | +6 (03) 8924 8759 | Associate Professor, FOSE Associate Dean of Teaching & Learning | |
R |
Radu, Patricia | n/a | PhD Student | |
Reinert, Chris | 0115 95 15320 | School Operations Technical Officer | |
Renstrom, Jacco | n/a | PhD Student | |
Roach, Neil | n/a | Professor of Vision Science | |
Robinson, Gary | 85093 | Senior Technician | |
Robinson, Jasper | 0115 95 15322 | Associate Professor | |
Ropar, Danielle | 0115 95 15288 | Professor | |
S |
Salter, Eileen | 01157487187 | Senior Administrator | |
Schluppeck, Denis | 0115 84 68580 | Associate Professor | |
Scholes, Chris | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
Schuermann, Martin | 0115 84 67922 | Associate Professor & Reader in Cognitive Neuroscience | |
Seal, Daniel | n/a | Honorary Assistant Professor & Chartered Clinical Psychologist | |
Serrien, Deborah | 0115 95 15285 | Associate Professor | |
Sheppard, Lizzy | 0115 74 86279 | Assistant Professor | |
Skoczek, Kristian | n/a | Research Associate | |
Smith, Caitlin | n/a | | |
Spain, Hayley | 0115 95 86581 | Education and Student Experience Senior Administrator | |
Spence, Alexa | 0115 95 15317 | Professor of Psychology | |
Stephens, Joanna | n/a | Research Assistant | |
Stewart Williams, Steve | +6 (03) 8924 8725 | Professor of Psychology | |
Stirk, Jonathan | 0115 95 15330 | Deputy Director of Teaching | |
Surridge, Matthew | n/a | | |
Szymanek, Larissa | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
T |
Taylor, Charlotte | n/a | PhD Student | |
Taylor, Ellen | n/a | Teaching Associate | |
Tibon, Roni | n/a | Assistant Professor in Psychology | |
Townsend, Ellen | 0115 84 67305 | Professor of Psychology | |
Trotman-Lucas, Melissa | n/a | Research Fellow | |
Tyson, Gemma | 0115 74 86215 | Administrator for the School of Pyschology | |
U |
Ude, Onye | n/a | Technician | |
Underwood, Geoff | n/a | Emeritus Professor | |
Urcelay, Gonzalo | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
V |
Van Rossum, Mark | 0115-74 86851 | Chair and Director Neural Computation Research Group | |
Veniero, Domenica | n/a | Assistant Professor | |
W |
Waite, Lauren | n/a | PhD Student | |
Weinerova, Josefina | n/a | PhD Student | |
Whitt, Emma | 0115 95 15358 | Associate Professor | |
Wijeakumar, Sobana | 0115 84 15329 | Assistant Professor | |
Wilks, Charlotte | n/a | Research Fellow | |
Wong, Hoo Keat | +6 (03) 8924 8730 | Assistant Professor, Mobility Coordinator, Lab Coordinator | |
Wright, Megan | n/a | Research Fellow | |
Z |
Zamboni, Elisa | 0115 95 15319 | Assistant Professor in Psychology | |
Zhu, Ning | n/a | PhD student | |
v |
van Heuven, Walter | 0115 84 66363 | Associate Professor | |