School of Psychology

Image of Rachel Grasmeder Allen

Rachel Grasmeder Allen

BBSRC DTP PhD student,



Based at the University of Nottingham, I am a fourth year PhD student funded by the BBSRC studying in the School of Psychology.

Teaching Summary

I am currently working as a demonstrator and coursework marker for first year Psychology lab classes (PSGY1001).

Research Summary

Hippocampal GABAergic inhibition and neuro-cognitive function: the role of GABA-A α5 subunit-containing receptors.

My research investigates the relationship between hippocampal GABAergic activity and cognitive & behavioural functions, in rats. Reduced GABAergic inhibition in the hippocampus has been implicated in cognitive disorders, including age-related cognitive decline and schizophrenia (Bast et al., 2017, BrJPharmacol). I am building on previous work in the lab group to investigate the impact of hippocampal disinhibition on cognitive functions which depend on prefrontal and subcortical sites, including reversal learning. I am also investigating the specific significance of hippocampal GABA-A alpha 5 receptors for neural, behavioural and cognitive functions of the hippocampus. Alpha 5 GABA-A receptors are preferentially expressed in the hippocampus (McKernan & Whiting, 1996, TrendsNeurosci).

Typical methods of my studies will involve stereotaxic cannula implantation in rats; intracerebral micro infusions of selected drugs; behavioural studies including reversal learning and locomotor activity; and transcardial perfusion fixation followed by histological sectioning.

Supervisor: Dr Tobias Bast, University of Nottingham

Recent Publications

Past Research

Previously, I completed a BSc (Hons) in Neuroscience at the University of Manchester, achieving a first class degree in 2020. My final year research project focused on major depressive disorder, looking at functional and structural differences in brain structure using MRI, and I was supervised by Prof Rebecca Elliott. I then completed a MSc in Translational Neuropathology at the University of Sheffield, achieving a distinction in 2021. My research focused on investigating metabolic pathways in Parkinson's Disease, and I was supervised by Dr Scott Allen.

School of Psychology

University Park
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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