Quality Manual

Module design and approval

This page provides instructions on how to request a new module. While it is primarily intended for staff across the UK, China and Malaysia campuses, it may also be of interest to students.

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1.0 Purpose

This page sets out the regulations about how to request a new module, which will help staff who are designing new modules as well as those who are updating existing modules.

2.0 Key principles

2.1  Conditions for a new UK-based module approval submission  Flag of United Kingdom

In submitting a new UK-based module for approval, one of the following conditions must apply:

  • That the school indicates the existing module which is being withdrawn and replaced by the new module (intended to be on a module to module basis);
  • The module forms an integral part of a new programme
  • The new module is a credit bearing continuing professional development (CPD) module and does not sit in a programme
  • That the new module runs concurrently with an existing module and there will be no additional associated timetabling or 
  • That the new module is a dissertation or project or individual reading module with no additional resource requirements (that is, timetabling, assessment or facilities)
  • That the new module has been created to protect student mobility (i.e. creating a semester length version of a year long module)   

2.2 Free speech

When developing a new module, appropriate regard must be given to the importance of promoting free speech. 

Please consult the following for further information about the Freedom of Speech Act:

Free Speech and Academic Freedom at the University of Nottingham

Office for Students guidance on free speech.

2.3 Academic freedom 

In relation to programme and module development, approval, and delivery, it should be noted that academics would not be prohibited from developing or delivering a programme or module on the ground that it involves giving serious consideration to ‘controversial or unpopular opinions’. This is not a reason that the programme would be approved, rather it is not a reason it could be declined. For instance, there will remain business or logistical reasons to not grant approval to a programme or module.


3.0 Roles and responsibilities

Schools are responsible for completing the relevant new module templates, consulting with the relevant parties, and to get the necessary School level approvals and send the paperwork to RAA.

RAA are responsible for reviewing the document in a timely manner.  

New Modules that meet the above conditions and the regulations outlined in the module specification guidance can be approved on behalf of Quality and Standards Committee (QSC) by RAA. Any new module requests that do not meet the above conditions and/or do not conform with the module specification guidelines would need QSC approval. In such circumstances, the school will need to make an exceptional case to Quality and Standards Committee (QSC) for the module to be approved, citing the significant institutional interests served by the module.

4.0 Procedural steps - How to request a new module

Schools in UNUK, UNM and UNNC intending to introduce a new module must:   
  1. complete the New Module Specification Template (provided in Section 5 below)
  2. seek School level approval for the new module
  3. submit the New Module Information Template to Registry and Academic Affairs (RAA),  Student Registry Office (SRO) or Academic Services Unit (ASU) (for UNUK, UNM and UNNC respectively). 
Schools must consult with any other Schools that they are aware of that are likely to have a legitimate interest in the creation of the module, e.g., if the subject matter of the new module has any overlap with existing provision in another School.

5.0 Related regulations, policies and procedures

The module specification template for a new module is provided here:

New module information template Microsoft Word

For more information about completing a new module specification template, please consult the following:

Module specification guidance

For more information about the curriculum review cycle, please consult the following: 

Curriculum review of programme and module specifications

Module information in Campus Solutions is used for relevant central processes and will be published in the Online Course Catalogue.

Online course catalogue


Version control table

Version control table
 Version Number Purpose/Change Approving Committee Date
 1.0  Clarifications made as part of a review of this section of the quality manual.  Also reformatted to align with new University of Nottingham Policy Management Framework  QSC  August 2024


If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please email: 

ss-curriculumadvice@nottingham.ac.uk  Email

This content was last modified on 05 February 2025

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