Quality Manual

Personal tutoring, student support and development

This category contains pages around the University's personal tutoring system, including about the roles and responsibilities of tutors, Senior Tutors and students. These pages are relevant to staff and students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses. This section does not apply to UoNO learners.

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Please be aware that during academic year 2019/20, the University introduced exceptional regulations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. A number of sections within this category were previously affected by these arrangements and have been documented accordingly.

Pages within this category

The scope of student support, development and personal tutoring

Induction and tutoring statements

Personal tutoring

Role and responsibilities of Senior Tutors


Disabled students

Teaching timetable arrangements for disabled students

Examination arrangements for disabled students – autistic spectrum conditions, disabilities, mental health difficulties, long-term health conditions, or specific learning differences

High Performance Athlete academic flexibility   Flag of United Kingdom

If you have any problems or queries relating to this page, please contact:

UNUK students Flag of United Kingdom 

Student Services

This content was last modified on 10 January 2024

Student Services

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University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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