Prof Molly Stevens, gave a lecture to over 100 people on 16th January at the Coates Road Auditorium, University of Nottingham. Staff and students from across the University, as well as external visitors, attended her presentation entitled: “Exploring and Engineering the Cell-Material Interface” as part of the third Biomaterials Discovery Workshop, held annually at the University of Nottingham, in association with the EPSRC Programme Grant in Next Generation Biomaterials.
Prof Stevens explained how cells interact with surfaces is key to a host of applications in biomedical science from regenerative medicine and drug delivery to biosensors. The talk highlighted both exciting advances in engineered biomaterials and in state of the art imaging approaches to enable exploration, and engineering of the cell-material interface for regenerative medicine and biosensing.
Talks were also given from guest lecturers including Glenn Prestwich (University of Utah), Maria Vincent (Centro de Investigatión Príncipe Felipe, Valencia), Ruth Cameron (Univeristy of Cambridge), Matt Dalby (Univeristy of Glasgow) and Paul Stoodley (University of Southhampton).
Posters were also presented from both internal and external researchers, and the RSC Biomaterials Science Discovery Poster Prize was won by Alessandra Travanut.
The fourth Biomaterials Discovery Workshop will take place in January 2020.

Morgan Alexander giving a presentation
Posted on Tuesday 5th February 2019