Mark Devonald kindly agreed to speak to the EPSRC Biomaterials Discovery programme grant and associated researchers on Monday 2nd July at the University of Nottigham. Mark is a Consultant who specialises in Nephrology at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Mark Devonald discussed various medical devices which are used in Nephrology such as the tunnelled line and peritoneal catheter. The Programme Grant researchers were interested in how they might be able to use their expertise to address the issues associated with these devices from material properties to microbial interactions.
The talk from Mark Devonald was part of a series of translational/clinical talks organised by the EPSRC Programme Grant in Next Generation Biomaterials Discovery, aimed to demonstrate the potential applications in the areas of Biomaterials Discovery. Speakers discuss key issues/challenges relating to their area of interest and discuss how new materials offer solutions.
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