Business Engagement

Interact with aerospace at Nottingham through our people, projects and facilities.
Our aerospace specialists want to help you attract talent to your business, improve your innovation capacity and solve technology problems.Our projects and the partners we work with range from start-ups and SMEs to major multinationals, with many interactions leading to long-term relationships with the University.
Local small and medium enterprises (SME) – Enabling Innovation Programme
The University of Nottingham is part of the Enabling Innovation programme, a three year collaborative programme with Nottingham Trent University and the University of Derby. It will provide support to over 2,000 local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) over three years. Focusing on ‘enabling technologies’, it aims to stimulate an innovation ecosystem designed to commercialise cutting edge R&D, support product and process innovation within SMEs and drive innovation through supply chains.
Contact us today to find out how we could Enable Innovation for you
E:Rose Saikayasit
T: 0115 74 86114
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Technology and Research
We offer a variety of ways of providing assistance and work with companies ranging from short-term consultancy through to long-term technology and research projects.
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Our facilities
We offer a variety of ways of providing assistance and work with companies ranging from short-term consultancy through to long-term technology and research projects.
Take advantage of our aerospace research facilities
Access to students
There are a range of opportunities for your business to attract talent to your company.
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Access our range of Aerospace related MSc and PhD courses for your staff. A range of short courses are available within the Faculty and requests for bespoke courses are also considered.
Study with us