University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre
students in seminar


The University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre (UNCLC) is proud to host a variety of events which are of interest to academics, students, legal practitioners, industry experts, civil society and government personnel. Enriching our programme of stand-alone events is the UNCLC Seminar Series and Student Seminar Series, which provide and ongoing source of engagement, discussion, and impact.

students in seminar

Seminar Series

lecture theatre from the back

Student Seminar Series


Upcoming events

Research in the Making Seminar with Professors Colin Mackie and Marc Moore

26 February 2025 (12:00-13:00)
B03 Monica Partridge Building
The Illusory Promise of Mediation-based Governance and Private Equity's Neglected Pre-History: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective



University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
