Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (CRHF)

The Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (CRHF) was established in 2015 to study the processes and outcomes of optimal functioning, with particular interests in well-being, human potential, agency and autonomy, mindfulness, character strengths, social behaviour and human systems.

The centre adopts an interdisciplinary approach to understanding adversity and the nature of social environments that inhibit human flourishing as well as those that best nurture its development. We are interested in how this knowledge can be applied to foster resilience, personal and professional growth and well-being in policy and practice. The CRHF is committed to education as personal growth and maximising the potential for people to thrive.

Centre for Research in Human Flourishing

Centre for Research in
Human Flourishing


At the heart of our activities is a humanising and compassionate approach towards identifying, developing and supporting the processes that enable human flourishing.

Our research aims to inform educators, leaders, counsellors and other helping professionals in education, social work and health services by influencing policy development, training and practice.

Professor David Murphy
Centre Convenor

Centre staff and students work closely with the Nottingham-based Human Flourishing Project which provides therapy focused on personal growth and development and with the Nottinghamshire NHS Trust's Centre for Trauma. Resilience and Growth.

CRHF news

Pain, Shame, and Power: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Chronic Pain

Article from Katy Wakelin published in Qualitative Health Research
11 December 2024

Welcome to our new postgraduate researchers

Professor Dalene Swanson welcomes new PGR students to the School of Education
29 October 2024

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Stephen Joseph's blog

CRHF events

There are currently no upcoming events.

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Centre for Research in Human Flourishing

School of Education
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

+44 (0)115 951 4543