Criminal Justice Research Centre


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Leverhulme Trust Award secured to research Desistance from Crime Amongst Black and Ethnic Probationers

A 30-month Leverhulme Trust Research Grant to explore the processes of how and why people from various ethnic background cease offending, was secured by Professor Stephen Farrall and Dr Jason Warr.
12 December 2023

Special issue of Probation Journal launch event

The event is being held on Wednesday 26 October 2022, 3.30-5.30pm in B63, LASS followed by a wine reception in the Atrium. It will be hybrid mode.
05 October 2022

Nottingham law experts appointed to Lord Chancellor's panel for the Independent Review of Criminal Legal Aid

The Lord Chancellor, Robert Buckland QC, has appointed Professor Sue Arrowsmith QC (Hon) and Dr Vicky Kemp, both of the University's School of Law, to the Expert and Advisory Panel for the Independent Review of Criminal Legal Aid.
10 February 2021

Legal aid for children in criminal proceedings: child friendly legal aid at focus

International conference that is looking at 'Legal aid for children in criminal proceedings: child friendly legal aid at focus'.
08 February 2021

Dr Philippa Tomczak awarded £1.2 million grant

Dr Philippa Tomczak, a member of CJRC, has been awarded a £1.2 million grant through the prestigious UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Future Leaders Fellowship programme to further her work into prison regulation for safer prisons and societies.
17 June 2020

Dr Zach Hoskins discusses the collateral legal consequences of a conviction on Hi-Phi Nation

Dr Zach Hoskins recently discussed the collateral legal consequences of a conviction on an episode of the podcast Hi-Phi Nation. The episode, titled 'Punishment Without End' aired 6 June 2020.
15 June 2020


Criminal Justice Research Centre

School of Law
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 6239