Diagnostics and Therapeutics

Other projects from our group

Beyond its main research themes, our Diagnostics and Therapeutics Research Group is working on a range of other important projects. They focus on the discovery of novel methods of detection, diagnosis and treatment for key conditions in dogs, horses and wildlife.

Spotlight projects

Genetics of inherited disease: improving life for itchy dogs by understanding the genetics of atopic dermatitis (Dr Sarah Blott)

Our research focuses on identifying the genes underlying complex diseases and understanding their interactions with environmental factors in dog populations. Canine atopic dermatitis is an allergic skin condition in dogs which causes itching and can lead to redness, fur loss, and rough or damaged skin. We are researching its genetic and environmental causes, and aiming to develop new genetic diagnostic screening strategies that reduce the number of dogs affected.


Colic in the horse: The Nottingham colic project (Prof. Sarah Freeman)

Conditions that cause colic or abdominal pain are a significant welfare concern in the horse. They are the most common reason for emergency vet call-outs and a significant cause of mortality.

The Nottingham colic project aims to improve the recognition and diagnosis of colic. The team has been reviewing current evidence, identifying knowledge gaps and generating new evidence by working with primary practices. They have worked with different stakeholders to agree evidence-based consensus statements on the recognition and emergency assessment of horses with colic.

Their research outcomes have been used to generate the REACT educational health campaign for horse owners, developed and disseminated in collaboration with the British Horse Society. They have also been turned into freely accessible resources for veterinary practices. The research team is now developing new resources and assessing the impact of the REACT campaigns so far.


Impact of environmental geochemistry on elephants (Dr Lisa Yon)

The project is exploring a number of questions relating to health and disease in captive and free living wildlife, using a multi-disciplinary approach to assess the impacts of various environmental and management factors.

It includes a study underway in collaboration with the British Geological Survey, and in partnership with Elephants Alive in South Africa, assessing the impact of environmental minerals on mineral balance in captive and free-living elephants.

The results will inform the diagnosis of mineral imbalances and required dietary management in captive elephant collections. It may also inform management strategies to mitigate human-elephant conflict in the study population in South Africa, potentially through provision of replacement of missing minerals.




Diagnostics and Therapeutics

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Leicestershire, LE12 5RD