Diagnostics and Therapeutics

More research from our team

Our respected research team is carrying out a diverse range of projects on the diagnostics and therapeutics of reproductive disease, including identifying a whole range of key biomarkers.

Dr Bob Robinson and Dr Katie Woad are identifying biomarkers in milk that predict reproductive outcomes.


Dr Bob Robinson and Dr Katie Woad are also evaluating current hormonal reproductive therapeutics in both cattle and women.


Dr Katie WoadDr Sarah Blott and Dr Julia Kydd are exploring genetic predictors of infertility across species.


Dr Cinzia Allegrucci is identifying biomarkers for germ line and embryonic epigenetic inherited alterations that predispose to reproductive diseases, including infertility and cancer.


Professor Gary England is studying diagnostic ultrasound imaging of the reproductive tract.


Dr Richard Lea is identifying biomarkers of sperm quality.


Diagnostics and Therapeutics

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Leicestershire, LE12 5RD