Medicine Safety and Effective Healthcare Research


WP1: Measuring serious harm, and economic impact, associated with hazardous prescribing

  • Determine the risk of serious harm, and economic impact, associated with hazardous prescribing
  • Develop the economic models that will be used to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the interventions in WP2 and WP3

Five sets of economic models to be built

  • Outcome 1: gastrointestinal bleeds (models GI1-GI6)
  • Outcome 2: exacerbation of asthma (models EA1-EA2)
  • Outcome 3: heart failure from NSAIDs (model HF1)
  • Outcome 4: stoke from antipsychotics (model ST1)
  • Outcome 5: acute kidney injury from NSAIDs (model KI1)

WP2: Evaluating prescribing safety indicators embedded in computerised clinical decision support

  • To determine the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the CDS-software, OptimiseRx, in reducing hazardous prescribing in general practices

WP3: Evaluating a large-scale rollout of the PINCER intervention

  • To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a pharmacist-led IT-based intervention (PIINCER) when widely implemented in general practices

Economics team members

  • Professor Rachel  Elliott (lead)
  • Elizabeth Camacho
  • Georgios Gkountouras 
  • Thomas Allen
  • Vasiliki Xenelli
  • Leonie Brinkmann





Medicine Safefy and Effective Healthcare Research

The University of Nottingham
School of Medicine

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 0209