Mixed Reality Laboratory

Image of Adrian Hazzard

Adrian Hazzard

Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Science


Research Summary

Adrian Hazzard is currently engaged on the following research projects:

[1] Fusing Semantic and Audio Technologies for Intelligent Music Production and Consumption (FAST) EPSRC project (EP/L019981/1).

The project brings the very latest technologies to bear on the music industry's end-to-end, producer to consumer, workflow, making the production process more fruitful, the consumption process more engaging, and the delivery and intermediation more automated and robust. It addresses 3 premises: (i) that Semantic Web technologies should be deployed throughout the content value chain from producer to consumer; (ii) that advanced signal processing should be employed in the content production phases to extract "pure" features of perceptual significance and represent these in standard vocabularies; (iii) that this combination of semantic technologies and content-derived metadata leads to advantages (and new products and services) at many points in the value chain, from recording studio to end-user (listener) devices and applications.

[2] Heritage & The Digital Research Priority Area Grant (University of Nottingham):

To establish a vibrant new inter-faculty collaboration at the intersection of music and technology that engages archival materials and new modes of archiving live performance. This bid is a timely response to new appointments in the Department of Music with experience of and links to technology in music performance and composition; an emerging research agenda in human-computer interaction applied to music in School of Computer Science (Mixed Reality Lab); and investment in state of the art music and technology resources in both faculties. This emerging relationship seeks to establish new interdisciplinary research activities across the university and beyond. These include, Losing Her Voice, a new opera written and composed by Elizabeth Kelly. Research themes focus on the reanimation of archival media in live performance and audience interaction via mobile technologies.

[3] The Horizon CDT Impact Grant (RUCK Grant No. EP/G037574/1):

On-going research on the creation and experience of dynamic, object-based sound and music experiences that are site specific. Activities include engagement with creative industry professionals, charting the conceptualisation and creation of experiences that seek to leverage sound, narrative and place.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk