Mixed Reality Laboratory

Uncle Roy All Around You (2003)

Uncle Roy All Around You, a collaboration with Blast Theory, is pervasive game in which online and street players collaborate to and Uncle Roy before being invited to make a commitment to a stranger. Players explore a mixed reality city and collaborate to find Uncle Roy's office before being invited to make a year long commitment to a total stranger.

Uncle Roy All Around You

In collaboration with Blast Theory.

Supported by British Telecom, an Innovation Award from the Arts & Humanities Research Board, Equator and the Interdisciplinary Arts Department of Arts Council England through the National Touring Programme.


Steve Benford, Martin Flintham, Adam Drodz, Nick Tandavanitj, Matt Adams, and Ju Row Farr.
2006. The design and experience of the locationbased performance Uncle Roy All Around You. Leonardo Electronic Almanac 14, 3.

Anastasi, Duncan Rowland, Nick Tandavanitj, Matt Adams, Ju Row-Farr, Amanda Oldroyd, and Jon Sutton. 2004. "Uncle Roy All Around You: Implicating the city in a location-based performance. In Proceedings of Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE '04) 21, 47.

Martin Flintham, Rob Anastasi, Steve Benford, Adam Drozd, James Mathrick, Duncan Rowland, Amanda Oldroyd et al. 2003. Uncle Roy all around you: mixing games and theatre on the city streets. In Proceedings of DIGRA 2003 Conference.



Photo credit: Blast Theory

This page was last updated on 01 May 2020 at 08:35 (GMT)

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk