A |
Alexander, Steve | 0115 82 30182 | Associate Professor of Molecular Pharmacology |  |
B |
Baker, Jillian | 0115 82 30085 | honorary consultant in respiratory medicine and molecular pharmacologist |  |
Bennett, Andrew | 0115 82 30113 | Associate Professor of Molecular Biology/Biochemistry |  |
Billeter-Clark, Rudi | 0115 82 30168 | Associate Professor of Anatomy |  |
Blockley, Nicholas | 0115 82 30146 | Assistant Professor |  |
Briddon, Steve | 0115 82 30089 | PRINCIPAL RESEARCH FELLOW |  |
Briggs, Deb | n/a | Senior Technician |  |
Brook, Matthew | 01158230439 | Associate Professor |  |
Brown, Angus | 0115 82 30173 | Associate Professor of Neuroscience |  |
Brown, Sara | 30434 | Technician |  |
C |
Canals Buj, Meritxell | 0115 82 30467 | Professor of Cellular Pharmacology |  |
Chapman, Victoria | 0115 82 30136 | Professor of Neuropharmacology |  |
Charlton, Steven | 0115 8230165 | Professor of Molecular Pharmacology and Drug Discovery |  |
Cole, Mark | 0115 82 31479 | Assistant Professor |  |
Cooper, Samantha | 0115 82 30080 | Assistant Professor |  |
D |
Dajas-Bailador, Federico | (0115) 82 30108 | Research & Teaching |  |
De Vivo, Nicola | 0115 82 30250 0115 82 30157 | Technician |  |
Ducker, Charles | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
F |
Farr, Tracy D | 0115 823 0977 | Associate Professor of Neuroscience |  |
Fone, Kevin | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Fowler, Maxine | 0115 82 31156 | Senior Research Technician |  |
G |
Garle, Michael | 0115 82 30187 | Medical School Technician |  |
Georgiou, Marios | 0115 823 0115 | Assistant Professor of Cell Biology |  |
Glenn, Jacqueline | 0115 82 30080 | Technician |  |
Goulding, Joëlle | 0115 82 30458 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Greenhaff, Paul | 0115 82 30133 | Professor of Muscle Metabolism |  |
Groenen, Marleen | 0115 82 30080 | Cell Culture Technician |  |
H |
Halliday, Nigel | 0115 8232027 | Experimental Officer |  |
Hill, Stephen | 0115 82 30082 | Professor of Molecular Pharmacology |  |
Holliday, Nick | 0115 82 30084 | Associate Professor of Pharmacology |  |
Hume, Alistair | 01158230102 | Assistant Professor |  |
K |
Kerr, Ian | 0115 82 30122 | Associate Professor |  |
King, Madeleine | 0115 82 30402 | Assistant Professor |  |
L |
Lane, Rob | +44 (0)1158230467 | Associate Professor of Molecular Pharmacology |  |
Layfield, Robert | 0115 82 30107 | Professor of Protein Biochemistry |  |
Li, Li | 0115 82 30374 | PhD Student |  |
M |
Maiellaro, Isabella | n/a | Ann Mclaren Fellow |  |
Mallinson, Joanne | 0115 82 19107 | Senior Research Technician |  |
Markus, Zsuzsa | n/a | Technician |  |
Marshall, Melanie | n/a | Human Studies Technician |  |
Millns, Paul | 0115 82 30154 | Medical School Technician |  |
N |
Nicholson, Colin | 0115 82 31569 | Research Technician |  |
P |
Pardon, Marie-Christine | 0115 82 30149 | Assistant Professor in Translational Neuroscience |  |
Proudman, Richard | 0115 82 30080 | Technical Manager/Technical Specialist - Molecular Pharmacology |  |
R |
Ralevic, Vera | 0115 82 30183 | Associate Professor & Reader in Cardiovascular Sciences |  |
Rathbone, Alex | n/a | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Roberts, Richard | 0115 82 30190 | Associate Professor and Lecturer in Pharmacology |  |
S |
Sanchez, Julie | n/a | Research Fellow - Pharmacology Cell Biologist |  |
Scott, Daniel | n/a | Nottingham Research Fellow |  |
Serres, Sebastien | 01158230394 | Assistant Professor in Metabolic Biochemistry |  |
Shaw, Barry | 0115 951 5151 19090 | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Sheridan, Graham | 0115 82 30957 | Assistant Professor in Neuroscience |  |
Simpson, Liz | 0115 8230128 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Smith, Paul | 0115 82 30135 | Associate Professor |  |
Steinert, Joern | 07429369539 | Assistant Professor in Neuroscience |  |
T |
Taylor, Moira | 0115 9516104 | Associate Professor of Human Nutrition (Dietetics) |  |
Toledo-Rodriguez, Maria | 44 (0) 115 82 31 478 | Associate Professor |  |
Trueman, Rebecca | (0115 82) 30077 | Associate Professor |  |
Tsintzas, Kostas | 0115 82 30127 | Professor of Human Physiology |  |
V |
Veprintsev, Dmitry | +44 (0) 115 82 30671 | Professor of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology |  |
W |
Warren-Westgate, Laurence | n/a | Assistant Professor in Sport, Exercise and Health Psychology |  |
Watson, David | 0115 8230157 | Senior Technical Specialist |  |
Woodhams, Steve | +4411582 30154 | Research Fellow |  |
Woolard, Jeanette | 0115 823 1481 | Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology |  |