School of Mathematical Sciences - Statistics and Probability Seminar
Speaker : Diwei Zhou, Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University
Title : "Statistical Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Data for Brain and Muscle Studies"
Abstract : Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is an advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) modality which provides unique insights into the microstructure and organisation of biological tissuesin vivo and does so non-invasively. DTI has been applied to the study of brain diseases such as multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, and stroke, and white matter tractography is a useful application of DTI for investigation brain connectivity. DTI also offers great potential for understanding structure-function relations in skeletal muscle. For example, with the use of DTI, it is now possible to quantify the 3D architecture of muscle. This talk will cover our recent work on practical statistical analysis of DTI data for brain white matter segmentation, muscle fascicle reconstruction and fascicle shape description