RPA Member |
Hayes, Christopher | 0115 951 3045 | Professor of Organic Chemistry |  |
Other Academic |
Alexander, Morgan | 0115 9515119 | Professor of Biomedical Surfaces |  |
Aylott, Jonathan | 0115 9516229 | Professor of Analytical Science |  |
Beton, Peter | 0115 951 5129 | Professor of Physics |  |
Binner, Eleanor | 0115 74 84960 | Associate Professor |  |
Cliffe, Matthew | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Dowden, James | 0115 9513566 | Associate Professor in Organic Chemistry |  |
Fromhold, Mark | 0115 951 5192 | Professor of Physics |  |
Goodacre, Sara | 0115 82 30334 | Professor of Evolutionary Biology and Genetics |  |
Goodridge, Ruth | 0115 95 14051 | Professor of Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) |  |
Irvine, Derek | 0115 95 14088 | Professor of Materials Chemistry |  |
Khlobystov, Andrei | 0115 951 3917 | Professor of Nanomaterials |  |
Lester, Ed | 0115 95 14974 | The Lady Trent Professor of Chemical Engineering |  |
Makarovskiy, Oleg | 0115 84 68820 | Associate Professor |  |
Marlow, Maria | 0115 8467045 | Associate Professor |  |
Mellor, Christopher | 0115 951 5147 | Associate Professor & Reader in Physics |  |
O'Shea, James | 0115 951 5149 | Associate Professor & Reader in Physics |  |
Patane, Amalia | 0115 951 5185 | Professor of Physics and Director of Research |  |
Roberts, Clive | n/a | Head of School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences |  |
Thomas, Neil R. | 0115 951 3565 | Professor of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry |  |
Turyanska, Lyudmila | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Walsh, Darren | 0115 846 7495 | Professor of Chemistry |  |
Woodward, Simon | 0115 951 3541 | Professor of Synthetic Organic Chemistry |  |
Zelzer, Mischa | +44 (0) 115 74 84519 | Associate Professor |  |
Professors |
Alexander, Cameron | 01158467678 | Professor of Polymer Therapeutics |  |
Bates, David | 0115 823 1135 | Professor of Oncology and Non Executive Director of NUH NHS Trust |  |
Besley, Elena | 0115 846 8465 | Professor of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry |  |
Brown, Paul D | 0115 951 3748 | Professor of Materials Characterisation |  |
Chen, George Zheng | +44 (0) 1159514171 | Professor of Electrochemical Technologies |  |
Elsheikha, Hany | 0115 951 6445 | Professor of Interdisciplinary Parasitology |  |
Ghaemmaghami, Amir | 01158230730 | Professor of Immunology & Immuno-bioengineering & Director of Research |  |
Grant, David | n/a | Professor of Materials Science and Head of Advanced Materials Research Group |  |
Howdle, Steven | 0115 951 3486 | Professor of Chemistry |  |
Hussain, Tanvir | 01159513795 | EPSRC Research Fellow, Professor of Coatings and Surface Engineering |  |
Kellam, Barrie | 0115 9513026 | Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Head of School |  |
Licence, Peter | 0115 846 6176 | Head of School of Chemistry and Director of The GlaxoSmithKline Carbon Neutral Laboratory |  |
Mokaya, Robert | 0115 846 6174 | Professor of Materials Chemistry and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Global Engagement |  |
Assistant Professors |
Ball, Liam | 01157 486 232 | Associate Professor |  |
La Rocca, Antonino | 0115 95 13815 | Professor of Applied Thermofluids and Propulsion Systems |  |
Rushforth, Andrew | 0115 95 15153 | Associate Professor |  |
Associate Professors |
Rawson, Frankie | 0115 7484698 | Associate Professor |  |