Circling the Square 2014
In May 2014, the STS Priority Group hosted a major, interdisciplinary conference titled 'Circling the Square: research, politics, media and impact'.
The conference explored the role of knowledge in policy making and brought together international scholars in the natural sciences, social
sciences and humanities, practitioners at the science-policy interface, the
public and the media.
Multimedia from the event is stored on the Circling the Square blog and posts about issues raised at the conference will be posted on the blog over the next year. Please subscribe.
The conference programme, abstracts and reviews are stored on the conference website.
Circling the Square 2014 was a success and the Priority Group want those who could not attend to experience it and engage in discussions via our bespoke conference blog site.
Circling the Square 2015
The STS Priority Group will host another Circling the Square conference in 2015.
The date is 22 - 23rd June.
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