School of Sociology and Social Policy

Choice, independence and safeguarding: a balancing act

B63, Law and Social Sciences Building, University Park
Wednesday 23rd October 2019 (16:30-19:30)
Registration URL

Inaugural Lecture by Professor Rachel Fyson, Director of Centre for Social Work

The inaugural lecture from Professor Rachel Fyson will trace her career from school holidays volunteering on playschemes for children with learning disabilities and dropping out of university to become a careworker, through to re-entering academia and becoming Professor of Social Work. She will reflect on how her previous career in social care continues to shape her academic interests, particularly her focus on the tensions and contradictions within social care policies which continually struggle to achieve a balance between safeguarding against risk of abuse and the promotion of choice and independence.

There will be tea and coffee available from 4.30pm and a drinks reception following the lecture at 6.30pm.

Free to attend. Book your place.

School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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