Studying Effectively
Books in Business Library


Books can be accessed in print or digital format. Our library collections contain almost one million print books and 300,000 ebooks.

Go to: Types of books  |  Finding books in your subject area  |  Reading lists  |  Classmarks  |  Ebooks

Types of books

Books are good for background reading, enabling deeper knowledge of a topic, and learning about theories or methods. There are two main types of academic book, which can be available in print or electronically: 

  • Textbooks – good for gaining an understanding of a new topic
  • Monographs – collections of data or detailed information, discussion, and explanation of research 

There are a number of ways to find print and electronic books for your subject, including NUsearch [UK, China, Malaysia], your one-stop shop for searching our collections. 


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Finding books in your subject area

Explore our UK subject guides to help you find books related to your subject area:


Please also see our China Subject Resources and Malaysia eResources Guides.


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Using reading lists

Reading lists are created by your lecturers and give details of core and recommended reading to support your studies.

They provide access to a range of resources, including books, eBooks, journal articles, websites, and other online material. 

Watch: Introduction to reading lists


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Finding books using classmarks

Each book in the library has a shelf location, known as a classmark, consisting of a series of letters and numbers.

The classmark is displayed on the spine of a book and allows all titles on a similar subject to be shelved together.

How do I find the classmark for my book?

You can find the classmark for your book on NUsearch under 'Find in library' on the book's record page.

How do I find a book in the library by using its classmark?

  • Books on the library shelves are arranged alpha-numerically by classmark.
  • Each bay of shelving will tell you which classmark range is located in that bay. 
  • The format of classmarks can vary between different libraries and campuses. 

Interpreting a classmark

The table below shows a breakdown of how the classmark for “Urban habitats by C. P. Wheater” (QH 541.5.C6 WHE) is constructed: 

Classmark breakdown for 'Urban Habitats by C. P. Wheater'
Biology Ecology Special habitats Cities  First three letters of the authors name
 QH 541   .5  .C6  WHE

Watch: What is a classmark?


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Using ebooks

Wherever possible, the library buys copies of your recommended reading in electronic format.

With most ebooks you can:

  • access them at any time, both on and off campus
  • read them online and on mobile devices
  • access them at the same time as others
  • perform keyword searches and make electronic notes

Find ebooks on your reading lists, or via NUsearch.

Find out more (UK / China / Malaysia)


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