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Life after graduation: shaping a successful career

Where will your course take you?

University is the time where you learn what you love and set yourself up for an awesome career in your dream job. Read all about Hana, and her experience studying Foundation Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS) at the University of Nottingham. After completing her foundation year, she chose to progress onto the MEng Electronic and Computer Engineering course. All our foundation graduates are guaranteed a place on a Faculty of Engineering undergraduate course, so it's great for progression. Once she’d graduated from university, Hana followed her passions and began his successful career as a Graduate Technology Analyst for Bank of America.


Was the course you progressed onto one you had always wanted to do, or did you decide whilst studying on the FEPS programme?

Not exactly. I initially wanted to study computer science, but whilst on the FEPS programme I became really interested in the maths modules. That’s why I decided to pursue a course that combined both computing and maths, which was electronic and computer engineering. That’s the great thing about FEPS, you have this year to learn and decide what you want to do next.


Why did you choose to study at the University of Nottingham?

I wasn’t sure exactly which type of engineering I wanted to study for my undergrad, but the FEPS course introduced me to the core elements of engineering without having to commit to a specific degree. This was perfect for me as it allowed me to make my mind up once I knew more about them all. Also, Nottingham is a top university and a member of the prestigious UK based Russell Group, which is a group of some of the best universities in the country.

That’s the great thing about FEPS, you have this year to learn and decide what you want to do next.

Hana Makhlouf

Foundation Engineering and Physical Sciences graduate

Hana Makhlouf

Hana Makhlouf, Foundation Engineering and Physical Sciences graduate

How did the FEPS programme prepare you for your undergraduate degree? 

FEPS familiarised me with the university environment and teaching style. I knew quite a few academics and felt like I could go to them for any support needed. I also had the opportunity to become used to university work, what it’s like studying at that level and had a base knowledge of what I was going to be learning on my undergraduate degree. I was also able to make friends that I still have to this day!  

It’s so cool that I get to use so much of what I learnt at university in my career.

Hana Makhlouf

Foundation Engineering and Physical Sciences graduate

What have you done since completing the FEPS course?

It feels like I haven’t stopped since I completed my FEPS course. I’ve undertaken work experience at some great companies, all internationally renowned and include JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and BP. I even received a STEM scholarship from BP to help with my living costs whilst at uni. During one of my summer semesters, I studied abroad at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. I feel like this international experience really made me more employable and broadened my horizons. It was so much fun to learn in a new environment, even if I did miss Nottingham whilst I was there.

The summer before my final year I had an internship at the Bank of America. I loved working there and made friends with my colleagues, keeping in touch with them throughout the year. Off the back of my performance, I was offered a full-time position at the end of my internship and now that I’ve graduated, I work there as a Graduate Technology Analyst. It’s so cool that I get to use so much of what I learnt at university in my career.


What advice would you give to a prospective FEPS student at Nottingham?

Make the most out of your foundation year because you are getting a head start! Join societies and expand your social network as much as you can. Make use of the careers office and if you feel overwhelmed, speak with your tutor. There is so much support available to you if you need it.

There is so much support available to you if you need it.

Hana Makhlouf

Foundation Engineering and Physical Sciences graduate