Small group teaching in Consulting Room D1035, Queen's Medical Centre Medical School, University Park

Develop skills to excel in your medicine career

Experience a wide range of clinical settings filled with opportunities for hands-on learning to ensure you’re gaining those essential clinical skills from day one.  

As an aspiring doctor, we know you understand the dedication involved in the care of patients. 

We know the importance of exposure to a varied caseload, in real environments. That’s why with us you’ll experience a range of settings including:

  • medical 
  • surgical 
  • speciality skills 
  • mental health and community-based medicine 

Your final two years are where you’ll put your learning into practice. You'll focus on full-time clinical training and rotate through a series of placements at various teaching hospitals, community and partnership trusts and within primary care settings across the region. These years will provide you with the professional knowledge, skills, values, and behaviours to succeed through direct experience. 

A vlog from fourth year medical student Lucy Brett on what it's like on an average day on a clinical placement.


See what one of our placements looks like 

Join Lucy as she shares what a typical day on placement looks like. (Please note, this is an example of the kind of placements available and this may differ based on location)

Open Day June 2022