Undergraduate students on a placement

Real-world education experience through an optional placement module

The benefits of a professional placement are numerous. By participating in a placement, students can gain a wide range of skills that are directly applicable to their chosen career and enhance their knowledge and expertise in the subject.

About the placement module

On the BA Education course, you can gain real-world experience through an optional placement module in your second or third year.

The module is designed to help you gain practical experience in a professional setting, which can be incredibly valuable for personal and professional development. You will develop a wide range of skills and explore different career paths in the field of education, enabling you to stand out in the job market.


Neethu talks about her placement experience

Neethu, who aspired to be a primary school teacher, secured a placement in a local primary school as part of her education course to confirm her career choice. After completing her degree, she took a postgraduate teacher training course and is now working as a teacher.

In the video, Neethu talks about her experiences during her school placement, how she incorporated British Sign Language, and how the knowledge she gained from her course was applied in practice.

Third year student, Neethu Jacob, reflects on her placement experience. She discusses why she chose the organisation, what type of work she did and how she can apply what she learnt to her studies. She also offers some tips for new students considering a placement.

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Please keep in mind that study abroad, mandatory year abroad, optional internships/placements, and integrated year in industry options may be subject to change at any time due to a variety of reasons such as curriculum updates, modifications to agreements with partner universities or placement/industry hosts, travel limitations, or other factors beyond the control of the university. 

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