Virtual Open Day Talks

Discover the University of Nottingham

In May 2023, we are hosting a series of virtual talks about our subject areas and life at the University of Nottingham. The full schedule is below. If you are interested in any of these talks, please book your place.

If your subject of interest isn’t listed, then there is no virtual talk taking place in May. Instead, you can find recordings of all talks on Open Days on demand.

Subject talks
Animal Science Tuesday 2 May 4.15 to 5pm
Architectural Environment Engineering Wednesday 3 May 4.15 to 5pm
Architecture and Built Environment Thursday 4 May 4.15 to 5pm
Biochemistry Tuesday 2 May 4.15 to 5pm
Biology, Genetics, Zoology Thursday 4 May 4.15 to 5pm
Computer Science Thursday 11 May 4.15 to 5pm
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Tuesday 2 May 4.15 to 5pm
Environmental Science Thursday 11 May 4.15 to 5pm
Foundation Engineering and Physical Sciences Thursday 4 May 4.15 to 5pm
Medicine Tuesday 2 May 4.15 to 5pm
Modern Languages Wednesday 3 May 4.15 to 5pm
Neuroscience Friday 5 May 4.15 to 5pm
Pharmacology Tuesday 2 May 4.15 to 5pm
Plant Biology Wednesday 3 May 4.15 to 5pm
Politics and International Relations Thursday 4 May 4.15 to 5pm
Science with Foundation Year Wednesday 3 May 4.15 to 5pm
Sport and Exercise Science Thursday 4 May 4.15 to 5pm


General talks
Mature students information talk Friday 5 May 4.15 to 5pm
Sport at Nottingham Friday 5 May 4.15 to 5pm
Student life Thursday 4 May 4.15 to 5pm


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