UNISON - University of Nottingham Branch

Welcome to UNISON

Recent events

Joint unions meeting to discuss 'Future Nottingham', Tuesday 11 June

Students and university workers, come and have your say about "our" shared future. All are welcome to this discussion of what we would like to see from the University’s transformation plan "Future Nottingham".

What staffing? What courses? What facilities? What funding? ...

4-6pm, Tuesday 11 June 2024

B63, Law and Social Sciences Building, University Park, building no.7 on the campus map.

Hosted by the campus unions UCU, UNISON and Unite, and UoNSU.

Email the branch if you have any questions: unison@nottingham.ac.uk.

Download pdf poster


Branch committee statement on the Nottingham Camp for the Liberation of Palestine

The UNISON branch committee has issued a statement (13 May 2024) broadly welcoming the Nottingham Camp for the Liberation of Palestine.

Read the statement here


Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024

The branch Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday 12 March 2024. Thank you to everyone who came!

Read the minutes here

The new officers and reps and their contact details are listed here


Join UNISON... for personal support with work issues, health and safety advice, negotiating pay and conditions... strength in numbers!

Tel 0800 171 2194
Email unison@nottingham.ac.uk


Welfare advice including accessing financial support

If you have a welfare issue you would like help with, including accessing financial support, please ring the branch's Welfare Officer on 0115 846 8621 or email margaret.mcphee@nottingham.ac.uk.


Free education courses for members

FREE education courses for our members - topics include building confidence and self-esteeem, dementia awareness, and many, many more.

Details: https://eastmidlands.unison.org.uk/members


Attend a conference...

If you would like to attend a UNISON conference email unison@nottingham.ac.uk. The branch pays expenses and you might be eligible for paid time off work.


We negotiate on behalf of APM 1-3 and Estates and Facilities grades, trades, supervisory trades, and service supervisors.

Find a branch officer or union representative

Email the UNISON branch

Enquire about joining

Click for the national UNISON website

Agreement between UNISON and University of Nottingham (internal)

11 June 2024 meeting poster11 June 2024 meeting

Please download this poster and put it up on a noticeboard in your work area, thank you.



E Floor
Portland Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4049
email: unison@nottingham.ac.uk