International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility

ICCSR Key Publications

Our research has led to the following key publications.  A more extensive list of each individual staff member publications can be found on the staff pages:


Amaeshi, Kenneth; Muthuri, Judy N., Ogbechie, Chris, (2019), ed Incorporating Sustainability in Management Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming 2019

Spence, L.J., Frynas, J.G., Muthuri, J.N., Navare, J. (2018), ed Research Handbook on Small Business Social Responsibility

Chapters in Books

O'Sullivan, N. (2015)., "The Global Reporting Initiative guidelines and external assurance of investment bank sustainability reports: Effective tools for financial sector social accountability", in Responsible Investment Banking - Risk Management Frameworks and Soft Law Standards, Springer International.

Coulson, A. and O'Sullivan, N., (2014), "Environmental and social assessment in finance", in Sustainability Accounting

Journal Articles

Glozer, S.; Caruana, R.; Hibbert, S. (2018), "The Never-Ending Story: Discursive Legitimation in Social Media Dialogue", Organization Studies, forthcoming 2018.

Gold, S., Muthuri, J.N. and Reiner, G. (2018), "Collective action for tackling \"wicked\" social problems:a system dynamics model for corporate community involvement", Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.179, pp. 662-673.

McCarthy, L.; Muthuri, J.N, (2018), "Engaging Fringe Stakeholders in Business and Society Research: Applying Visual Participatory Research Methods", Business and Society, Vol.57(1), 131 -173.

Ingram, C.; Caruana, R.; McCabe, S. (2017), "PARTicipative Inquiry for Tourist Experience", Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.65, pp.13-24.

McCarthy, L.; Muthuri, J.N (2016)., "Engaging Fringe Stakeholders in Business and Society Research: Applying Visual Participatory Research Methods", Business and Society, 1-43.

Whelan, G.; Muthuri, J. N (2015), "Chinese State-Owned Enterprises and Human Rights: The Importance of Intra-Organizational Pressures", Business and Society, November 2015 online DOI: 10.1177/0007650315612399

Caruana, R.; Carrington, M.; Chatzidakis, A. (2015), "Beyond the attitude-behaviour gap: novel perspectives in consumer ethics (Introduction to the Research Symposium).” Journal of Business Ethics, pp.1-4

O'Sullivan, N. and O'Dwyer, B. (2015)., "The structuration of issue-based fields: Social accountability, social movements and the Equator Principles issue-based field", Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol.43, 33-55.

Caruana, R.; Glozer, S.; Crane, A.; McCabe, S. (2014), "Tourists Accounts of Responsible Tourism", Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.46, pp. 115-129.

Fitchett, J.; Caruana, R. (2014), "Exploring the Role of Discourse in Marketing and Consumer Research", Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.14 (1), pp. 1-12.

Caruana, R.; Chatzidakis, A. (2013), "Consumer Social Responsibility (CnSR): Towards a Multi-Level, Multi-Agent Conceptualization of the "Other CSR"", Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.113 (4), pp. 1-16, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-013-1739-6.

Roper, S.; Caruana, R.; Medway, D.; Murphy, P. (2013), "Constructing luxury bands: exploring the role of consumer discourse", European Journal of Marketing, Vol.47 (3/4), pp. 375-400. 

Reports for external body

Gond, J.P.; O'Sullivan, N.; Slager, R.; Viehs, M.; Homanen, M.; & Mosony, S. 2018, "How ESG engagement creates value for investors and companies", in UN-Backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).

O'Sullivan, N. and Gond, J-P. 2016, "Engagement: Unlocking the black box of value creation", in Sustainalytics, Sustainalytics.

International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility

Nottingham University Business School
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham NG8 1BB

Tel: +44 (0) 115 846 7854