Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics


Lioness-LogoLIONESS: Live Online Experimental Server Software

LIONESS is an open-source software platform for online behavioural experiments including live interaction. LIONESS only requires an active web server to connect the participants of an experiment, who interact through their web browsers. 

The basic logic of LIONESS was developed by Lucas Molleman, Antonio A. Aréchar and Simon Gächter under the ERC-AdG Grant COOPERATION.

Prospective users without access to a web server (or those with no experience with using a web server) can get LIONESS up and running in just a few minutes time. For instructions, see this brief manual.

Methodological paper: Conducting interactive experiments online

The paper Conducting interactive experiments online (Aréchar, Gächter and Molleman 2018 Experimental Economics 21, 99-131) provides a methodological discussion of running interactive web-based experiments. The data for this paper was obtained with LIONESS, using this experimental program (zip). 


LIONESS Lab: readily create your own experimental tasks

In collaboration with Dr Marcus Giamattei (University of Passau, and Bard College Berlin ,Germany), we have developed LIONESS Lab. This will allow researchers to readily program their own online interactive experiments in a point-and-click fashion.

Here is the scientific description of LIONESS Lab: Giamattei, Marcus, Kyanoush Seyed Yahosseini, Simon Gächter, and Lucas Molleman (2020). LIONESS Lab: a free web‐based platform for conducting interactive experiments online Journal of the Economic Science Association.

For more information about LIONESS Lab, please see lioness-lab.org.

Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 951 5458
Enquiries: jose.guinotsaporta@nottingham.ac.uk
Experiments: cedex@nottingham.ac.uk