ICMNS 2018

Congress Center, France, Juan-les-Pins
Sunday 10th (09:00) - Wednesday 13th June 2018 (17:00)
Registration URL

CMMB members Daniele Avitabile and Stephen Coombes are involved in the 4th International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2018), to be held at the Congress Center in Juan-les-Pins, on the French Riviera. Tutorials will be held on June 10, and the main conference follows on June 11 - June 13. More details are given on the conference website as above.

ICMNS will provide a forum for researchers to discuss current mathematical innovations emerging in neuroscience. A major aim of the conference is to attract and train young researchers on current methods in mathematical neuroscience. To fulfil this goal, we will hold a tutorial the day before the main meeting. The main conference will feature a broader set of topics in mathematical neuroscience, with a focus on:

  • (a) the use of experimental data in modeling studies;
  • (b) theory and models that explore hypotheses and design better experiments;
  • (c) rigorous mathematical models of neural systems;
  • (d) improved methods for analyzing complex data sets.

Abstract Submission:

We encourage abstract submission by researchers from all areas of mathematical neuroscience. One page abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee and divided into parallel talk sessions and poster sessions. Details will be given on the web site. The abstract submission deadline is January 23, 2018.

Student Awards:

We offer student awards. To apply, students must submit an abstract and include a current CV as part of their submitted document in Easychair.

Program Committee:

  • Daniele Avitabile (Univ. of Nottingham, UK)
  • Nicolas Brunel (Duke Univ., USA)
  • Carina Curto (Pennsylvania State Univ., USA)
  • Rodica Curtu (Univ. of Iowa, USA)
  • Mathieu Desroches (Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France)
  • Lubomir Kostal (Inst. of Physiology, Czech Republic)
  • Carlo Laing (Massey Univ., New Zealand)
  • Benjamin Lindner (Bernstein C. for Comp. Neuroscience Berlin, Germany)
  • Eva Löcherbach (Univ. Cergy-Pontoise, France)
  • André Longtin (Univ. Ottawa, Canada)
  • Jeff Moehlis (Univ. California Santa Barbara, USA)
  • Hiroya Nakao (Tokyo Instit. of Technology, Japan)
  • Patricia Reynaud Bouret (Univ Nice, France)
  • Alex Roxin (CRM Barcelona, Spain)
  • Delphine Salort (Univ Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
  • Wilhelm Stannat (TU Berlin, Germany)
  • Denis Talay (Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France)
  • Michèle Thieullen (Univ Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
  • Martin Wechselberger (Univ Sydney, Australia)

Advisory Board:

  • Paul Bressloff (Univ. of Utah, USA)
  • Evelyn Buckwar (JKU Linz, Austria)
  • Stephen Coombes (Univ. of Nottingham, UK)
  • Olivier Faugeras (Inria Sophia Antipolis, France)
  • Julijana Gjiorgjieva (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany)
  • Zachary Kilpatrick (Univ. of Houston, USA)
  • Robert Rosenbaum (Univ. of Notre Dame, USA)
  • Romain Veltz (Inria Sophia Antipolis, France)

Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology

School of Mathematical Sciences
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 748 6065
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3837
email: bindi.brook@nottingham.ac.uk