
Doctoral Consortium

***Doctoral Consortium deadline extended to 25th March 2016***
PhDs students are invited to apply for the ECCE 2016 Doctoral Consortium, which will be held on Monday 5 September 2016.

The Doctoral Consortium provides a great opportunity for PhD students to discuss and share experiences and problems with other students and with a panel of experts.  It is likely to lead to the generation of new ideas and directions for their research.  The ECCE 2016 Doctoral Consortium has the following objectives:


  • To provide PhD students with the opportunity to share their research with other students and experts
  • To give feedback on the research to the participants
  • To give the opportunity to solve issues that PhD students could encounter during their path
  • To encourage open and useful discussions
  • To provide insights that will help students for the continuation of their research

We expect to recruit 5-7 students. The Doctoral Consortium will be held on 5th of September at The University of Nottingham, University Park, Engineering and Science Learning Centre (ESLC) A09. A map of the campus is available to download here.PDF file icon

The European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics will reimburse the registration fees to all the students accepted for the Doctoral Consortium.



The strongest candidates are PhD students in Human Factors or Ergonomics (or related areas) who can convey their research aims and/or challenges. There are no restrictions on the year of study of the PhD, but preference will be given to students in the early stages due to the opportunity for influence and potential benefits from the feedback of the Doctoral Consortium.



The proposal has to include:

  • 2-page extended abstract explaining the research where the student is involved, including the achievements, the future directions and the issues experienced
  • An appended paragraph (500 words maximum) stating why the student would benefit from participating in the Doctoral Consortium and the insights the student can give to the audience
  • An appended short (200 words maximum) biography
  • A letter (in English) from the University confirming the PhD student status
The deadline for submission is March 25th 2016.
Submissions must follow the ACM conference proceedings formatting guidelines. A Microsoft Word template and LaTeX template are available; further information is available on the SIGCHI Conference Publications Format page.
Submissions should be made through the EasyChair Reviewing System. Please note that you must select the submission type “Doctoral Consortium” in the “topics” section of the submission page so that your submission can be processed accordingly. Submissions via EasyChair must be in PDF format.


Review Process

The applications will be reviewed by the Doctoral Consortium committee. In the review process particular attention will be given to the topic of the research and how this relates to the main topics of the conference, and to the type and amount of feedback the participant could provide and receive from the Doctoral Consortium. Students from the same institutions can apply, but the committee will try to have the most diverse environment, thus preference will be given to students from different institutions. The acceptance notice will be given to participants by May 2nd 2016.


After Acceptance

Further instructions will provided with the acceptance notice.  The accepted candidates will have to prepare a camera-ready extended abstract for the conference proceedings.



The participants’ extended abstract will be published in the conference proceedings.



Doctoral Consortium candidates can book accommodation for the night on 4 September at preferential rates at the Learning and Conference Centre.  Please contact for instructions and to obtain a discount code. 

For accommodation on the nights of the 5, 6 and 7 September, select the relevant accommodation options when registering for the conference.



For further information, please contact Davide Salanitri (, Doctoral Consortium organising committee, or Glyn Lawson ( Programme Chair.

Conference venue

National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) Learning and Conference Centre
Triumph Road

telephone: +44 (0) 115 872 2195