Human Rights Law Centre

Human Rights in Times of Economic Crisis

Thursday 5th February 2015 (18:00-19:30)

On Thursday 5 February 2015 Professor Aoife Nolan, Economic and Social Rights Unit Head, will be delivering a lecture on Human Rights in Times of Economic Crisis. The event will be chaired by Professor Paul Heywood, Sir Francis Hill Professor of European Politics and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

There has never been such extensive recognition accorded to human rights, but how can we ensure that they have meaning in times of economic crisis?

This lecture will focus on the negligible role that human rights have played in preventing and challenging the impacts of the recent economic crisis on the most vulnerable in global society. It will consider why this has been the case, and outline how we need to change our understanding of and approach to human rights in order to make them more effective tools of protection in the case of future crises.

For more information, email  by Monday 26 January.




Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506