School of Politics and International Relations

Image of Paul M Heywood

Paul M Heywood

Sir Francis Hill Professor of European Politics; seconded 0.7 FTE to the Centre for the Study of Corruption, University of Sussex (2024-27), Faculty of Social Sciences



Professor Paul Heywood is author, co-author or editor of nineteen books and more than eighty journal articles and book chapters. His research focuses primarily on political corruption and integrity management, as well as institutional design and state capacity.

He is currently seconded 0.7 FTE until September 2027 to work with the Centre for the Study of Corruption at the University of Sussex, where he is leader of the FCDO-funded Governance & Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence programme (GI ACE). The programme is designed to identify new initiatives that can help developing countries tackle the scourge of corruption and the negative impact it has on millions of people's lives. It follows on from earlier initiatives funded by DFID/FCDO and managed by the British Academy and Global Integrity respectively (2015-23) that Professor Heywood also led.

Other funded research includes an ESRC/Hong Kong project on Integrity Management in the UK, HK and China; an EU FP7 project, ANTICORRP, on anti-corruption policies; and TACOD, an EU project on tackling corruption through open data. He was the UK Local Research Correspondent on Corruption (2012-16) for the European Commission's DG Home Affairs, helping to produce the 2014 EU Anti-Corruption Report. He is co-founder of, an initiative that focuses on sector-based approaches to tackling corruption.

Professor Heywood graduated with an MA in Politics (First Class) from the University of Edinburgh, then did postgraduate studies in Madrid and at the LSE, from where he received his MSc(Econ) and PhD (Politics). Before taking up a Chair at Nottingham in 1995, he taught at the University of Glasgow and at the University of London. He also worked for the Economist Intelligence Unit, London (1989-93). He has been a member of the ESRC Research Grants Board (2001-05) and was Dean of the University of Nottingham Graduate School from 2003-07. From 2011 until 2015 he was Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and also Director of the University of Nottingham's ESRC Doctoral Training Centre, supporting research students in the social sciences. Between 2003 and 2009 he was co-editor of the international journal Government and Opposition, and was Chair of the Board of Directors until 2016.

In 2006, Heywood was appointed Adjunct Professor at the University of Hunan (China), where he is Senior Adviser to the Center for Clean Governance. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (elected 2002), and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (elected 2012). In 2013 he was elected a Fellow of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. He was appointed to the Board of Trustees of Transparency International UK in 2015, where he chairs the Research Committee, and in 2021 was appointed to TI's recently created International Council. Professor Heywood served as Head of the School of Politics and International Relations from 1995-99, 2001-02, and 2008-11.

Teaching Summary

Professor Heywood is seconded to lead an FCDO-funded research programme and so not currently teaching. Previously, he has taught modules on political parties in Europe, contemporary Spanish politics… read more

Research Summary

There are three separate, but interlinked, strands to Professor Heywood's research which are all driven by the core question of how can we better understand the relationship between institutional… read more

Recent Publications

PhD supervision

I am interested in supervising students who want to work on the following areas:

  • How can we develop accurate measures of political corruption?
  • What are the most effective strategies to combat political corruption?
  • The international anti-corruption movement and its impact

PhD students currently supervised:

  • Zac Sadow: National Oil Companies in the Age of Unconventional Oil and Gas (jointly supervised with Mathew Humphrey, School of Politics & IR)
  • Kevin Kittoe (ESRC-funded student, co-sponsored by Transparency International UK)

PhD students recently completed:

  • Dun Mao: Governance Practices in Shenzhen, China (jointly supervised with Jonathan Sullivan, School of Contemporary Chinese studies)
  • Harald Decker: Local government and representative democracy (jointly supervised with Vivien Lowndes, School of Politics & IR)
  • Ali Sarihan: The role of the military in the Arab Spring (jointly supervised with Cees van der Eijk and Daniel Ritter)
  • Nathan Jones: The adoption of pro-US foreign policy in Spain and the UK
  • Marija Zurnic: Corruption in Serbia (jointly supervised with Jan Meyer-Sahling)
  • Chris Wood: Social capital and the Third Way in Britain and Australia
  • Heather Watkins: Social Enterprises and Local Participation in the UK
  • Maria Urbina: Women in the Chilean Socialist Party
  • Tim Veen: Decision-making in the EU Council of Ministers
  • Lukas Port: Political transition in Cuba [jointly supervised with Prof Antoni Kapcia, Hispanic Studies]
  • Helena Ekelund: The Agencification of Europe
  • Fulya Memisoglu: The EU's Minority Rights Policy and Its Impact in Greece and Turkey
  • Elizabeth Monaghan: The role of civil society in the debate on the future of the EU
  • Andrew Davis: Exploring the Limits of Asymmetric Devolution and Autonomy in the UK and Spain
  • Mette Jolly: Democracy in the European Union
  • Siobhan Daly: Comparative Politics and the Analysis of Democratic Regime Types
  • Arturo Alvarez-Rosete: Social Insurance Schemes in Franco's Spain
  • Chris Hill: Elite Actors and the Spanish Transition to Democracy (1975-1981)
  • Kuo-cheng Huang: Social Movement and Democratisation in Taiwan

Professor Heywood is seconded to lead an FCDO-funded research programme and so not currently teaching. Previously, he has taught modules on political parties in Europe, contemporary Spanish politics in comparative perspective, transitions to democracy, and corruption. Most recently, he taught the following Level 4 module:

M14130 Sleaze, Scandal and Corruption

Since the early 1990s, a series of major scandals in both the financial and most especially the political worlds has resulted in close attention being paid to the issue of corruption and its links to political legitimacy and stability. Indeed, in many countries - in both the developed as well as the developing world - corruption seems to have become almost an obsession. Concern about corruption has become a powerful policy narrative: the explanation of last resort for a whole range of failures and disappointments in the fields of politics, economics and culture. In the more established democracies, worries about corruption have become enmeshed in a wider debate about trust in the political class.

The module focused on empirical and theoretical studies of sleaze, scandal and corruption and explored such questions as:

  • How can corruption be effectively assessed and measured
  • Under what circumstances do incidents of corruption become scandals
  • Does the focus on sleaze reflect the 'tabloidisation' of political life
  • What are the impacts of corruption and scandal on democratic legitimacy and stability
  • Can 'good governance' offer an effective counter-measure to corruption
  • Is corporate corruption on the increase and, if so, how can this be explained
  • What connections exist between high level political corruption and organised crime

Current Research

There are three separate, but interlinked, strands to Professor Heywood's research which are all driven by the core question of how can we better understand the relationship between institutional structures, policy formulation and political outcomes. His approach has been informed by neo-institutionalism, both in its historical ('path dependency') and political ('network modelling') variants. Political corruption:

  • Why do the core 'remedies' for corruption, as prescribed by the World Bank, OECD and other institutions, fail to work as expected in established democracies?
  • What can we learn from 'least corrupt' countries, such as the UK and Sweden, about the 'danger zones' of corruption?
  • Does the increased focus on corruption by political leaders and the media since the early 1990s reflect a rise in the incidence of corruption, or a change in its political instrumentalisation?
  • What are the relationships between corruption, scandal and political trust?

Executive capacity:

  • How do political executives in developed European democracies manage increased public expectation in the context of declining capacity?
  • What can the literature on comparative politics bring to the analysis of the role of the executive in policy-making which public policy approaches fail to capture?

Democratic design and state development:

  • The particular focus here is on Spain: how was this country able to establish a functioning democracy in the aftermath of a long-term repressive dictatorship, and how has territorial integrity been maintained?
  • What are the key threats to democratic stability in Spain, and how have the 'contradictions' of the country been managed?
  • HEYWOOD, P. M., 2024. Political Corruption. In: ROBERT BARRINGTON, ELIZABETH DÁVID-BARRETT, REBECCA DOBSON PHILLIPS and GEORGIA GARROD, eds., Dictionary of Corruption Agenda. 249-252
  • PYMAN, MARK and HEYWOOD, PAUL M., 2024. Sector-Based Action Against Corruption: A Guide for Organisations and Professionals Palgrave Macmillan Cham.
  • MUNGIU-PIPPIDI, ALINA and HEYWOOD, PAUL M., eds., 2020. A Research Agenda for Studies of Corruption First. Edward Elgar.
  • MUNGIU-PIPPIDI, ALINA and HEYWOOD, PAUL M., 2020. Making sense of corruption studies: an introduction. In: MUNGIU-PIPPIDI, ALINA and HEYWOOD, PAUL M., eds., A Research Agenda for Studies of Corruption First. Edward Elgar. 2-6
  • HEYWOOD, PAUL M., 2020. A political approach to corruption. In: MUNGIU-PIPPIDI, ALINA and HEYWOOD, PAUL M., eds., A Research Agenda for Studies of Corruption First. Edward Elgar. 27-40
  • HEYWOOD, PAUL M. and KIRBY, NIKOLAS, 2020. Public Integrity: from anti-corruption rhetoric to substantive moral ideal Etica Pubblica.: Studi su Legalità e Partecipazione. 11-31
  • DOBSON, REBECCA and HEYWOOD, P. M., 2019. Clean but Compromised: Corruption in the UK public administration Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo. 38(1), 414-32
  • HEYWOOD, P.M., 2018. Combating Corruption in the Twenty-First Century: New Approaches Daedalus. 147(3), 83-97
  • BULL, M.J. and HEYWOOD, P.M., 2018. Introduction: towards a better understanding of corruption and anti-corruption European Political Science.
  • DÁVID-BARRETT, ELIZABETH and HEYWOOD, PAUL M., 2018. Corruption: A Bully Pit Symposium Available at: <>
  • DÁVID-BARRETT, ELIZABETH and HEYWOOD, PAUL M., 2018. Why rethink corruption? An introduction to the symposium. Available at: <>
  • HEYWOOD, P M, 2017. Rethinking corruption: hocus-pocus, locus and focus Slavonic and East European Review. 95(1), 21-48
  • HEYWOOD, P. M., 2017. Introduction: carrots versus sticks in patron-client networks. In: ALENA LEDENEVA, ed., The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality 2. UCL Press. 347-50
  • HEYWOOD, P. M., MARQUETTE, HEATHER, PEIFFER, CARYN and ZUÑIGA, NIEVES, 2017. Integrity and Integrity Management in Public Life ANTICORRP.EU.
  • ZUÑIGA, NIEVES and HEYWOOD, P.M., 2017. Making anti-corruption policies work: compliance and values in Bolivia ANTICORRP.EU.
  • LAMBOO, T, VAN DOOREN, W and HEYWOOD, P M, 2016. Prime Witnesses?: Case studies of staff assessments for monitoring integrity in the European Union The Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
  • HEYWOOD, P M, ed., 2015. Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption Routledge.
  • HEYWOOD, P M, 2015. Introduction: Scale and Focus in the Study of Corruption. In: HEYWOOD, P M, ed., Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption Routledge. 1-13
  • HEYWOOD, P M, 2015. Measuring corruption: perspectives, critiques and limits. In: HEYWOOD, P M, ed., Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption Routledge. 137-53
  • HARDI, P., HEYWOOD, P M and TORSELLO, D., eds., 2015. Debates of Corruption and Integrity: Perspectives from Europe and the US Palgrave Macmillan.
  • HEYWOOD, P M and ROSE, J., 2015. Curbing Corruption or Promoting Integrity? Probing the Hidden Conceptual Challenge. In: HARDI, P., HEYWOOD, P M and TORSELLO, D., eds., Debates of Corruption and Integrity: Perspectives from Europe and the US Palgrave Macmillan. 102-19
  • HEYWOOD, P M and JONATHAN ROSE, 2015. The limits of rule governance. In: ALAN LAWTON, ZEGER VAN DER WAL and LEO HUBERTS, eds., Ethics in Public Policy and Management: A Global Research Companion Routledge. 181-196
  • ZÚÑIGA, N and HEYWOOD, P M, 2015. Cleaning up La Paz: How Bolivia’s biggest city freed itself from a ubiquitous culture of corruption Available at: <>
  • DAVID-BARRETT, ELIZABETH, HEYWOOD, P.M. and THEODORAKIS, NIKOLAOS, 2015. TACOD: Towards a European Strategy to Reduce Corruption by Enhancing the Use of Open Data: National Research: United Kingdom RiSSC.
  • HEYWOOD, P.M. and JONATHAN ROSE, 2014. “Close but no Cigar”: the measurement of corruption Journal of Public Policy. 34(3), 1-23
  • HEYWOOD, P.M. and MEYER-SAHLING, J.-H., 2013. Danger zones of corruption: how management of the ministerial bureaucracy affects corruption risks in Poland Public Administration and Development. 33(3), 191-204
  • HEYWOOD, P.M. and ROSE, J., 2013. Political Science Approaches to Integrity and Corruption Human Affairs. (In Press.)
  • HEYWOOD, P. M., 2012. Integrity management and the public service ethos in the UK: patchwork quilt or threadbare blanket? International Review of Administrative Sciences. 78(3), 474-493
  • JONES, E., HEYWOOD, P. M., RHODES, M. and AND SEDELMEIER, U., eds., 2011. Developments in European Politics 2 Palgrave Macmillan.
  • HEYWOOD, P. M. AND WOOD, C., 2011. Culture versus institutions: social capital, trust and corruption. In: JONES, E., HEYWOOD, P. M., RHODES, M. and AND SEDELMEIER, U., eds., Developments in European Politics 2 Palgrave Macmillan. 138-54
  • HEYWOOD, P. M., 2011. Spain's EU Presidency: Ambitions beyond Capacity? Journal of Common Market Studies. 49(Annual Review), 79-91
  • HEYWOOD, P. M. AND L. MCLAREN, 2010. Mediterranean Europe. In: DYSON, KENNETH AND ANGELOS SEPOS, ed., Which Europe?: The Politics of Differentiated Integration 1st. Palgrave Macmillan. 170-183
  • ANDERSSON, S. and HEYWOOD, P. M., 2009. The politics of perception: use and abuse of Transparency International's approach to measuring corruption Political Studies. 57(4), 746-67
  • CHARI, R. and HEYWOOD, P.M., 2009. Analysing the policy process in democratic Spain West European Politics. 32(1), 26-54
  • HEYWOOD, P. M., 2009. Corruption. In: LANDMAN, TODD & ROBINSON, NEIL, ed., SAGE Handbook of Comparative Politics London: Sage. 362-377
  • ANDERSSON, S. & HEYWOOD, P. M., 2009. Anti-Corruption as a Risk to Democracy: on the Unintended Consequences of International Anti-Corruption Campaigns. In: HINDESS, B, LARMOUR, P. AND DE SOUSA, L., ed., Governments, NGOs and Anti-Corruption: The new integrity warriors London: Routledge. 33-50
  • HEYWOOD, P. M. & MEYER-SAHLING, J-H., 2008. Wystepowanie stref korupcji w zarzadzaniu polska administracja rzadowa Warsaw: Ernst & Young.
  • CHARI, R.S. & HEYWOOD, P. M., 2008. Institutions, European Integration, and the Policy Process in Contemporary Spain. In: FIELD, B. & HAMANN, K., ed., Democracy and Institutional Development: Spain in Comparative Theoretical Perspective New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 178-202
  • HEYWOOD, P. M., 2007. Corruption in Contemporary Spain PS: Political Science and Politics. 40(4),
  • HEYWOOD, P., JONES, E., RHODES, M. and SEDELMEIER, U., eds., 2006. Developments in European Politics Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Basingstoke, UK.
  • HEYWOOD, P., JONES, E., RHODES, M. and SEDELMEIER, U., 2006. Introduction: Developments in European Politics. In: Developments in European Politics Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Basingstoke, UK. 1-12
  • HEYWOOD, P. and KRASTEV, I., 2006. Political Scandals and Corruption. In: Developments in European Politics Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Basingstoke, UK. 157-177
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2005. Corruption, democracy and governance in contemporary Spain. In: BALFOUR, S., ed., The politics of contemporary Spain Abingdon: Routledge. 39-60
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2005. The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1+3 Funding Model European Political Science. 4(1),
  • CLOSA, C. and HEYWOOD, P.M., 2004. Spain and the European Union Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • FIESCHI, C. and HEYWOOD, P., 2004. Trust, cynicism and populist anti-politics Journal of Political Ideologies. 9(3), 289-309
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2004. Spain: "middle player" or "major power"?. In: Europe Today Rowman and Littlefield, Inc, Boulder. 385-407
  • THRELFALL, M., OPPENHEIMER, W. and HEYWOOD, P., 2004. Open Forum - Spanish politics after 11 March: a Chatham House debate International Journal of Iberian Studies. VOL 17(NUMB 1), 41-53
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2003. Desperately Seeking Influence: Spain and the war in Iraq European Political Science. 3(1), 35-40
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2003. The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1+3 Funding Modelà (8)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2002. Analysing political corruption in Western Europe: Spain and the UK in comparative perspective. In: DELLA PORTA, D. and ROSE-ACKERMAN, S., eds., Corrupt exchanges: empirical themes in the politics and political economy of corruption Baden-Baden: Nomos. 37-57
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2002. Executive Capacity and Legislative Limits. In: Developments in West European Politics 2 Palgrave Publishing Co. Ltd, The, Weybridge, Surrey, UK. 151-67
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2002. Political Corruption, Democracy, and Governance in Western Europe. In: Developments in West European Politics 2 Palgrave Publishing Co. Ltd, The, Weybridge, Surrey, UK. 184-200
  • HEYWOOD, P., ed., 2002. Developments in West European Politics 2 Palgrave Publishing Co. Ltd, The, Weybridge, Surrey, UK.
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2002. Introduction: West European States Confront the Challenge of a New Millennium. In: Developments in West European Politics 2 Palgrave Publishing Co. Ltd, The, Weybridge, Surrey, UK. 1-14
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2000. A Quasi-Presidential Premiership: Administering the Executive Summit in Spain. In: Administering the Summit MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London. 110-33
  • HEYWOOD, P., 2000. Spanish Regionalism: A Case Study. In: Regional Government in France & Spain
  • HEYWOOD, P., ed., 1999. Politics and Policy in Democratic Spain. No Longer Different Cass (Frank) & Co. Ltd, Liford, Essex, UK.
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1998. Francisco Franco. In: Oxford Dictionary of Political Biography Oxford University Press, Oxford. 173-4
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1998. Felipe Gonzalez. In: Oxford Dictionary of Political Biography Oxford University Press, Oxford. 191-2
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1998. The Operation of Multi-Layer Democracy (Evidence to the House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee), Routledge, London and New York.
  • MILLER, W.L., WHITE, S.L. and HEYWOOD, P.M., 1998. Political values underlying partisan cleavages in former communist countries Electoral Studies. 17(2), 197-216
  • HEYWOOD, P., MILLER, W.L. and WHITE, S.L., 1998. Values and Political Change in Post-Communist Europe MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London.
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1998. Adolfo Suarez. In: Oxford Dictionary of Political Biography Oxford University Press, Oxford. 457
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1998. Power Diffusion or Concentration? In Search of the Spanish Policy Process West European Politics. VOL 21(NUMBER 4), 103-123
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1997. Towards a New Europe?. In: Developments in West European Politics MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London. 1-15
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1997. Political Corruption: Problems and Perspectives Political Studies. VOL 45(NUMBER 3), 417-435
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1997. Recuperaci democr?tica i vocaci europea
  • HEYWOOD, P.M., 1997. Review of The End of the Spanish Empire, 1898-1923 by Sebastian Balfour 9(1), 43
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1997. Political Corruption
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1997. Executives, Bureaucracies and Decision-Making. In: Developments in West European Politics MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London. 75-94
  • HEYWOOD, P., RHODES, M. and WRIGHT, V., 1997. Developments in West European Politics
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1997. Catalunya, un model per a Escacia
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1997. La presidentialisation du systeme espagnol: la Moncloa 447-58
  • MILLER, W. L., WHITE, S. and HEYWOOD, P., 1996. Twenty-Five Days to Go: Measuring and Interpreting the Trends in Public Opinion during the 1993 Russian Election Campaign PUBLIC OPINION QUARTERLY. VOL 60(NUMBER 1), 106-127
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1996. The Emergence of New Party Systems and Transitions to Democracy. Spain in Comparative Perspective. In: Stabilising Fragile Democracies: Comparing New Party Systems in Southern and Eastern Europe Routledge, London and New York. 145-66
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1996. Continuity and Change: Analysing Political Corruption in Modern SpainÃ. In: Political Corruption: Latin America and Europe in Comparative Perspective MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London. 115-36
  • GREY, R. D., MILLER, W. L., WHITE, S. and HEYWOOD, P., 1995. The structure of Russian political opinion COEXISTENCE -GLASGOW THEN DORDRECHT-. VOL 32(NUMBER 3), 183
  • WYMAN, M., WHITE, S., MILLER, B. and HEYWOOD, P., 1995. The Place of `Party' in Post-communist Europe Party Politics. VOL 1(NUMBER 4), 535
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1995. Parties and Voters in the Elections. In: Elections and Political Order in Russia 124-42
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1995. De la dictature la democratie: les formes changeantes de la corruption en Espagne. In: Democratie et Corruption la Decouverte. 69-82
  • WYMAN, M., WHITE, S., MILLER, B. and HEYWOOD, P., 1995. Public Opinion, Parties and Voters in the December 1993 Russian Elections Europe-Asia Studies. VOL 47(NUMBER 4), 591
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1995. Sleaze in Spain Parliamentary Affairs. VOL 48(NUMBER 4), 726
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1995. The Government and Politics of Spain MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London.
  • HEYWOOD, P., ed., 1994. Distorting Democracy: Political Corruption in Spain, Italy and Malta
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1994. Introduction: of Chance, and Death, and Mutability. In: West European Communist Parties After the Revolutions of 1989 MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London. xvii-xxv
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1994. Political Corruption in Modern Spain. In: Distorting Democracy: Political Corruption in Spain, Italy and Malta 1-14
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1994. The Russian Elections of December 1993 Electoral Studies. 13(3), 254-71
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1994. The Spanish Left: Towards a Common Home?. In: West European Communist Parties After the Revolutions of 1989 MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London. 56-89
  • BULL, MARTIN J. and HEYWOOD, P., eds., 1994. West European Communist Parties After the Revolutions of 1989 MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London.
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1993. El marxismo y el fracaso del socialismo organizado en Espana Universidad de Cantabria, Santander.
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1993. Rethinking Socialism in Spain: Programa 2000 and the Social State Coexistence. 30(3), 167-85
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1993. The Structure of Spanish Government
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1993. Spain and the European Dimension: The Integrated Market, Convergence and Beyond Strathclyde Papers on Government and Politics. 94, 31
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1992. Spain Country Report (1)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1992. The Socialist Party in Power, 1982-92: The Price of Progress International Journal of Iberian Studies. 5(2), 3-14
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1991. Spain Country Report (4)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1991. Spain's Next Five Years: A Political Risk Analysis
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1991. Second Republic, Spanish. In: Dictionary of British and European History Since 1914 MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London. 352-4
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1991. The Spanish Civil War. In: Dictionary of British and European History Since 1914 MacMillan Publishers Ltd, London. 379-82
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1991. Spain Country Report (1)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1991. Governing a New Democracy: the Power of the Prime Minister in Spain West European Politics. 14(2), 97-115
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1991. Structure and agency in the Spanish transition to democracy Government and Opposition. 26(1), 133-8
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1990. Spain Country Profile 1990-91: Annual Survey of Political and Economic Background
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1990. Marxism and the Failure of Organised Socialism in Spain, 1879-1936 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1990. Spain Country Report (4)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1990. El desarrollo de la teoria marxista en Espana y el Frente Popular. In: Los nuevos historiadores ante la Guerra Civil espanola 2. 49-62
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1990. Spain Country Report (1)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1990. Spain Country Report (2)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1990. Spain Country Report (3)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1989. The Spanish Socialist Party. In: Historical Dictionary of Modern Spain 1700-1988 Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. 460-4
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1989. The Labour Movement in Spain before 1914. In: Labour and Socialist Movements in Europe before 1914 Berg Publishers, Oxford and Washington, DC. 231-65
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1989. The Spanish Civil War: Why the Republic Lost History Today. 39(3), 21-7
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1989. Spain Electoral Studies. 8(3), 322-30
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1989. Spain Country Report (4)
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1989. Union General de Trabajadores. In: Historical Dictionary of Modern Spain, 1700-1988 Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. 499-505
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1988. The development of Marxist theory in Spain and the Frente Popular. In: The French and Spanish Popular Fronts: Comparative Perspectives Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 116-31
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1988. Spanish Defence Policy Defence. XIX(X), 759-64
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1987. Spain: 10 June 1987 Government and Opposition. 22(4), 390-401
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1987. Mirror-images: the PCE and the PSOE in the Transition to Democracy in Spain West European Politics. 10(2), 193-210
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1987. The PSOE in government Socialist Affairs. 29-31
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1986. De las dificultades para ser marxista: el PSOE 1879-1921 Sistema. 74, 17-49
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1985. Spanish Communists in Crisis Journal of Communist Studies. 1:3(4), 167-70
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1985. Santiago Carrillo and Fernando Claudin. In: Biographical Dictionary of Neo-Marxism Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. 90-4, 97-9
  • HEYWOOD, P., 1985. The Collapse of the PCE: a Coherent Paradox? Politics. 5(2), 39-44

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