Department of Philosophy

Philosophy in Progress: Postgraduate Conference

Humanities Building
Thursday 11th January 2018 (09:00-18:00)
Marcus Lee
Registration URL

Philosophy in Progress: Postgraduate Conference

Thursday 11 January 2018
University of Nottingham

Keynote: Professor Katherine Hawley (University of St Andrews)

The central aim of Philosophy in Progress (PIP) is to provide a forum for the next generation of philosophers to present and discuss the advances they are making in contemporary philosophy right now – that is, to show philosophy in progress.

Registration for the conference is now open. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors it is free. Please visit the Eventbrite page to register.

The full programme for the conference can be found here.

University of Nottingham, Humanities Building, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD (building no.55 on the campus map)

Sponsors and partnership: Midlands3Cities AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership, Analysis Trust, University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham

Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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