School of Humanities

Schools and community

We are keen to explain and share our knowledge and research outside of the University. Examples include:

  • Talks on specific topics to schools and community groups to enhance learning and for general interest.
  • Student placements that provide support to local schools and teachers in particular areas of the curriculum.
  • School visits to the university to help pupils see what learning a subject at university is really like and help raise aspirations.

See the links below for information about what each department provides. 

If you are interested in finding out more about what's possible contact our departments.
schools and community 25066
The volunteers were down to earth, great role-models and gave some very effective one-to-one individual attention to all our students… It was a brilliant success… I have no doubt that there were some conversations about university going on between our students and their families as an additional consequence.

Teacher feedback 

Schools and community work across the University


School of Humanities

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact details