Legal Services

The Modern Slavery Act


This Podbriefing has been superseded by a new e-learning module, which is directly accessible through the University's Central Short Courses pages.

Please access via the link below:



Audio Transcript [PDF]






The Modern Slavery Podbriefing focuses on the background to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) and transparency in supply chains measures, which is a particular feature of the Act. Under the transparency requirements, namely section 54 of the Act, specific statutory obligations apply to the University.

Content and Aims

The Podbriefing supplements the University’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy to which there is a link on the right hand side of this page and at the end of the video. A link to the University’s Modern Slavery Act Statement can also be found on the right hand side of this page.

The Podbriefing is provided by two experts: First, Professor Kevin Bales, Professor of Contemporary Slavery at the University of Nottingham. Professor Bales has been invited to advise the US, British, Irish, Norwegian, and Nepali governments, as well as the governments of the Economic Community of West African States, on the formulation of policy on slavery and human trafficking.  He is also the Lead Author of the Global Slavery Index. Second, a practicing solicitor in this area of expertise, Jayne Hussey, a partner at Mills and Reeve LLP.  













Legal Services

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University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD