Natural Sciences

What our students say


Izzy Wellings

BSc Natural Sciences

Graduated 2020

Psychology & Biology

Studied Chemistry in Y1

Biology, Chemistry & Psychology - A Level

Izzy Wellings sized

Why did you choose Natural Sciences at Nottingham?

I chose to study Natural sciences here as it one of the only Natural Sciences courses in the country which allows the students to study psychology as an option. I love the flexibility of the course as I was very unsure what to study at university and so this was the perfect choice for me. Nottingham also seemed the friendliest and least daunting of the university’s as it has an amazing campus but the city is also extremely accessible with all the many public transport links.

What are the facilities like?

I have used chemistry, biology and psychology labs and they are fully fitted with top quality equipment. I think the quality is extremely important as it allows you to learn the newest techniques to help you become the best scientist you can be. I play netball for the university so I also use a lot of the sports facilities. I have honestly been so impressed with the sports centre, it is amazing and I would say it has made my university experience so much better. 

Did you have any concerns about starting university?

I did have some concerns as I love home and I was scared about missing my family and friends but Nottingham feels like a home from home with its beautiful campus and friendly teaching staff. I was also worried about the amount of work and the step from school to university but the lecturers go at a really nice pace and recommend books to help you. Tutorials are also really helpful. As advice, I would say to just keep calm and remember everyone is in the same boat, make sure to be as friendly as you can to other new fresher’s and don’t worry; there is so much support and lots of people you can go to if you need any help.

What aspect of the course do you enjoy most and why?

I really enjoyed the flexibility of not having to commit to my subject straight away. I did chemistry, biology and psychology in my first year and dropped chemistry so I now study only biology and psychology. I love how this course offers huge variety of modules to study, you have choice from your very first day unlike most courses. It ensures I never get bored with my degree and I am learning more than one discipline.

What do you do outside of the course and how has this impacted your university experience?

I have played netball for the BUCS leagues for 2 years now and I have loved it. Its such a great way to make even more friends and stay fit. I love how competitive it is on a Wednesday. Netball has improved my university experience so much and I would definitely recommend playing a sport at university to anyone, even if you haven’t played a sport before there are programs for any level. Netball has also allowed me to volunteer to teach primary school children the sport, which is such a great experience and looks great on your CV as you learn so much. I have also joined the natural science society as they host great socials to have fun with your course mates.

What are you thinking about doing when you finish?

 After graduation, I plan to take year out to travel Australia and Asia. I am not sure where my degree will lead me but as it is so broad I have lots of different options.

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Natural Sciences

School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
University Park

Tel: +44 (0) 115 823 2376
Fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3555