Natural Sciences

What our students say


Tom Dickin

BSc Natural Sciences

Graduated 2020

Physics & Maths

Studied Chemistry in Y1

Chemistry, Physics Maths & Further Maths - A Level

Tom Dickin

Why did you choose to come to Nottingham?

A great campus in a decent sized city pretty close to home.

Why did you choose to study Natural Sciences?

It was the only degree I could find that allowed me to continue all the subjects I was passionate about whilst also giving a specific direction in later years.

What advice would you give someone starting university?

I would say that it can be a very nervy thing moving out and maybe moving cities, but I look back now to the start of University and would do anything to move back to Halls and live the adventure again- so don’t waste a moment!

What aspect of the course do you enjoy most and why?

I love having a really small course because you can get to know everybody who does your course, whether you do the same pathways or not! With the society and the peer mentoring scheme you can also get to know people in other years and seek advice when necessary.

What do you do outside of the course and how has this impacted your university experience?

I have been heavily involved in NatSci Soc - our course society - which has been a lot of fun, it links my academic life at uni to the social side of it. I also have been stuck into sports and my church here in Nottingham again making a nice break from the potentially stressful academia.

What are you thinking about doing when you finish?

I am going to take a year before starting any potential career to earn some money and travel before potentially started a teacher training course.

How has your course helped you to realise your career plans?

I have been able to gain experience in both primary and secondary education via programmes advertised to me because I study Natural Sciences.

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Natural Sciences

School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
University Park

Tel: +44 (0) 115 823 2376
Fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3555