School of Physics & Astronomy

Joint SEPnet and WRIPA workshop

SEPnet&WRIPA workshop group photo


A joint workshop between the White Rose Industrial Physics Academy (WRIPA) and the South East Physics Network (SEPnet) was hosted by University of Nottingham on 18 July 2018. Sixty five physics academics and employability managers from across the UK took part in this one-day workshop to discuss future changes to the physics curriculum that would enhance students’ employability and reflect industrial needs.

The topics ranged from an overview of opportunities for physics departments in the UK's Industrial Strategy to transformation and accreditation of physics degree programmes in view of the increasing focuse employability and professional skills.

Academics from physics departments of Sheffield, Cardiff and Salford shared examples of projects that successfully embed employability within class-room projects. They talked about innovation in physics education: doing things differently that enhances students’ creativity, interest and self-confidence enabling them to become an independent learner and simply enjoy doing science. Advance HE reinforced the message that the innovative approaches to teaching and learning which parallel the problem-solving done in industry are vital.

The event was chaired by Professor Sir William Wakeham and supported by the Institute of Physics.

School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD

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